Toyota has 10,000 back order for new cars

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cjohnw, May 17, 11:43am

3tomany, May 17, 1:08pm
Same goes for all manufacturers. I tried to secure a new Transit van but the wait time for the model i wanted was out to late this year at best but probably 2022.

lk104, May 17, 1:16pm
Don't let facts get in the way of a good story :-)

gph1961, May 17, 2:18pm
you can have my 27yo VW for the right price

franc123, May 17, 2:43pm
My VW doent need no recal either as I doent by rubbish. Get a dacia sandero with no elecytroniks if no Toyota aviailabe, nrver mit$u$hitheep or Ford wer u must use genuin parts or no go.

stevo2, May 17, 2:59pm
franc123. sum gungster thug has hijacked yr account

whynot47, May 17, 3:09pm
I like intrade

gph1961, May 17, 3:10pm
well,actually I do have a 27yo VW,thankyou

franc123, May 17, 3:18pm
Iv been telling u since 10000 yearsago u talk feeces

cjohnw, May 17, 3:45pm
You had me convinced there for a split second.

gph1961, May 17, 4:00pm
more burly

bwg11, May 17, 4:18pm
I like intrade too.

poppy62, May 17, 4:53pm
Your $300.00 torch batteries are flat, you're hitting all the wrong keys on your keyboard. Plus stop fraternizing with Intrade, he's rubbing off on you. mein gott!

poppy62, May 17, 4:56pm
Has to be a VW Santana!

gph1961, May 17, 5:04pm
guess again

tygertung, May 18, 4:56am
Get a Mitsubishi instead, they are actually just as good, except cheaper.

intrade, May 18, 4:57am
There is actually real information about the chip shortage. There is no chip shortage for real The chip orders was candled, and the chipmakers just sold all the chips to someone else, so They now have to wait their turn.

bryshaw, May 18, 5:12am
Maybe a Nissan?
'Nissan’s Sunderland manufacruring is to stay open, but the carmaker is instead shutting a factory in Barcelona as the Japanese auto firm seeks to cut £2.3bn in costs worldwide'.

cjohnw, May 18, 5:32am
The new Nissan ev, the Ariya looks really interesting and getting excellent reviews. Not here yet but coming later this year I believe.

franc123, May 18, 5:34am
Candled lol, so some thug melted them all down then.

tony9, May 18, 5:55am
Nothing to do with melting.

Same as can candling eggs, it is a test to see if eggs are infertile. In the case of chips it is a test to see if there are defects in them.

Some details here.

franc123, May 18, 11:48am
You really are a strange and humourless individual aren't you.

cjohnw, May 18, 12:06pm
You didn’t click on the link?

redhead18, May 18, 1:06pm
Tousends of intrades BUGGA ME.
[Dunno if it IS the drugs you are on?
Or the FACT that ya SHOULD be on drugs]


Have met intrade in person=oh and yip the illustrious
intrade. back in points and plugs and well .
Just how many mekniks walked outa da trade ven compu. elec. dat fkn shizz. etc.
He is from another country works overseas.
Is a self made man owns 2 properties one 30 acres Whangarei one in Tamaranui.

And like you and myself franc =
Has given the time of the day to help and assist others,,,,,,,

(But his Tousends missypussy $$300 torch. )

Respectivley people get all concerned sometimes.
Here is an example thgis IRISH fulla was drinking.

3tomany, Aug 7, 3:00am
Back on subject ford trucks are in short supply.