Is a missing rear seat a reason for WOF rejection? Note 6 Where a manufacturer fitted or LVV certified seat has been removed, a seatbelt is not required for that position, so any remaining seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage components are not required to be inspected.
VIRM would suggest it is not a fail if removed. Is my interpretation correct.
May 28, 10:46am
You should probably remove the seat belt as well.
May 28, 11:23am
Seat removed is fine. belt if you want to. But belt alone removed is a fail
May 28, 11:40am
Thanks, Monday morning job if not gone by then.
May 28, 1:19pm
That sounds kinda dodgy right there you know, like the seatbelts are farked and you're gonna temporarily remove the seats on Monday to get a WoF.
May 28, 4:11pm
I'm sure it does to some people, but maybe a previous owner removed the seats and they are no where to be seen.
May 28, 4:15pm
But yes, I see what you mean, The job is to take it to be inspected.
May 28, 5:03pm
The standard response to that line of questioning might be 'only the kids use the back seat, they don't weigh much'. lol.
May 28, 5:04pm
Just teasing, curlcrown. But there are probably people out there who would think it.
May 29, 6:50am
Agree. Better to remove or replace dodgy belts.
May 29, 7:50am
Belts are not in question. Its the lack of a seat that is.
May 29, 3:35pm
I had some idea that if a seat had been removed, the safety belt for it had to be removed too. Just checked & this seems to be wrong info. In hindsight, you can fold certain seats forwards, which makes the seat ' gone , so it wouldnt make sense as anyway.
Quotey Note 20 Where a seat has been removed, a seatbelt is not required for that position, and any remaining seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage components are not required to be inspected. Where seatbelt or seatbelt anchorage components remain fitted, and the vehicle is such that the removed seats can be readily re-fitted and used with the seatbelts, the vehicle inspector must:
Identify which seats were missing when the vehicle was presented for inspection, and Advise the vehicle operator that the remaining seatbelt components have not been checked, and that if the missing seats are re-fitted at a later stage, it is the vehicle operators' responsibility to ensure that these seats and seatbelts are compliant prior to using them. If the inspector chooses to inspect any remaining seatbelt components, then they should identify that to the vehicle operator. Any defects should be noted on the checksheet, but must not be failed. The same information as noted above must be recorded on the checksheet to make it clear that the responsibility lies with the vehicle operator if seats are re-fitted.
May 29, 6:53pm
Iremoved back seat in myfirst range rover for more carrying space . Just told to make seat belts inoperable or remove so i removed them & no problem getting WOF . Put them all back in when i sold it with new WOF
Jun 5, 8:15am
Is there a question around compliance as the vehicle is no longer the same as when it was first complied? Just wondering.
Jun 5, 11:17am
ring VTNZ and ask
Jun 5, 12:06pm
For what reason? Theyre not an authority on anything, they are a service provider. The answer will be in the above link.
Jun 5, 2:13pm
If it is a van, and a seat is missing remove the seatbelts from that position and you will be good. Dont loose the seatbelts as they are worth more than a seat.
Jun 6, 3:26am
Just bought new inerta seat belts for a car brand new for $85.00 each . Good price here in Chch
Jun 6, 3:30am
And did they have a cert of compliance for the correct standards and from a reputable testing lab?
Jun 6, 3:52am
just my opinion here. You are best served “removing ‘ any seatbelts . By that unbolt them from the bottom and coil them up behind the trim panel—onto the reel
Jun 6, 5:14am
Love it.
Jun 6, 6:22am
Yes they did and are a well respected place for replacement seat belts .
Jul 29, 11:50am
Not hard to get a bite from you guys ;)
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