Does a long block include a cambelt?

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kazbanz, Mar 8, 12:46pm
I've never heard of a case against a dealer being heard in DT--only MVDT

carkitter, Mar 8, 1:07pm
I agree.
An official Audi dealer is a representative of the manufacturer but a random used car dealer is not.
If Audi NZ say it a manufacturing fault then they and their retailer are liable.
But the independent dealer cannot predict the car has a faulty crankshaft and cannot be expected to guarantee a used vehicle for more than 50,000 kms and outside of the original Audi warranty under the CGA.

The independent dealer did not manufacture the car and is only a reseller. The service they provided was to sell a roadworthy car.

sw20, Mar 8, 1:57pm
Car was bought from the main dealer.

bigfatmat1, Dec 17, 8:01pm
the main dealer would be the NZ distributor. Or owned by the distributor. Not a franchise