You would agree I'm sure that 1km down the road is return for refund material, and you say that 17000km you're on your own. So somewhere between those two there must be a line that gets drawn, where is it for you?
Feb 5, 10:51am
We are having a new long block put in our 2014 Audi Diesel Allroad with 125k km on the clock. The crankshaft snapped (yes, really!) due to manufacturing defect sadly 5 months out of warranty. Audi have offered a free new long block but the dealer is trying to get us to pay full labour costs and the cost of a cambelt change (which is not due for another 80,000km). We are going to disputes tribunal about it on Friday and I want to have some information before I go!
Feb 5, 11:01am
A broken crankshaft is not normal for any car. Did you buy this vehicle new,is it the same dealer,has it been serviced regularly.
Feb 5, 11:10am
We bought the car with around 70,000km on the clock, it has been serviced regularly. Same dealer we bought it from, it was only 5 months out of warranty. They are trying to claim we will receive betterment on the car so we should pay just under $10k which includes parts like the cam belt, the labour already done to find the fault and the labour to insert the new long block. We don't want to pay anything so have taken them to disputes tribunal.
Feb 5, 11:11am
Well it needs to be a new one put on either way. I would say you should pay the cost of parts. Im not sure about your chances for getting compensation as it's 6 years old. Good on you if you can get it.
Feb 5, 11:33am
5 months out of warranty should be fully covered by the CGA
"The Consumer Guarantees Act (CGA) means the vehicle should be:
of acceptable quality – reasonable in look and finish, durable and safe fit for purpose – either generally or to meet a specific purpose you told the dealer before you bought the vehicle
You can seek a repair, replacement or refund if the dealer doesn’t comply with their legal obligations, or the car doesn’t meet one of the CGA guarantees."
Gooff- First question-- How long (years and months) have you owned the vehicle? Second question-What warranty do you refer to ie extended for X Years ? Third question--What was the pathway taken for the manufacturer to agree to replacing the long block? Fourth question--How many km have you done in the vehicle and how many has it done total?--Whoops missed that-125k--so a total of 55000km.
Just a bit of info for you-Lets say the dealer doesn't replace the belt--instead refits your existing one-On your instruction. If it fails that's on you
Feb 5, 11:43am
I can answer #4 lol It's a 2014 Audi Diesel Allroad with 125k km on the clock.
Feb 5, 11:44am
BTW you need a new cam belt
Feb 5, 11:46am
Why? I'm not saying you are wrong but on what basis do you feel a vehicle owned for 55000km and (Im guessing based on 14k a year national average) 3 years 7 months should still be the dealers responsibility ?
Feb 5, 11:47am
Also I would be somewhat surprised (maybe be 50/50 at best) if the DT will side with you as no one could know that the crankshaft was going to snap.
Feb 5, 11:50am
1)We had owned the vehicle for 2 years 5 months when the crankshaft broke.
2) We bought the car from the Audi dealership, they had done a full service check and gave it a 2 year warranty when we bought it.
3) The dealership pulled the car to pieces and tested stuff. The dealership and Audi together admitted it was a manufacturing fault and they offered the free long block out of "goodwill".
A crankshaft should outlive the car, this should not have happened and could have caused a serious accident. We feel we should not have to pay to get this remedied.
Feb 5, 11:52am
A crankshaft should outlive the car, this should not have happened and could have caused a serious accident. We feel we should not have to pay to get this remedied.
Feb 5, 11:59am
My view is that the MVDT will side with the dealer who got the new long block for you from Audi. What also may happen is the dealer may withdraw the offer of assistance and simply state it will go with the decision made at the MVDT. That's my honest opinion on what will happen. --I'm NOT wishing it on you but the exact phrase that was used in one recent judgement was. " At some stage the purchaser had to accept responsibility for the cost of maintaining the vehicle. The Tribunal thinks that time came some months ago."
Feb 5, 12:01pm
Sorry but I don't feel the MVDT will agree with you. BUT that's going after the dealer that sold you a used vehicle. Your alternative pathway for recourse is to chase the MANUFACTURER --That's a whole different ballgame from the dealer. Investigating if there is a generic issue with that crankshaft would be something worth doing. Ie is it something that should be covered under manufacturers recall
Feb 5, 12:05pm
This though isn't a case of user misadventure it was a manufacturing fault. We have had the car serviced at all the recommended intervals. The crank shaft is a sealed unit, never meant to be looked at for the life of the car.
Feb 5, 12:12pm
So when you come to sell it to me, will you tell me that it had a brand new engine in it @ 125km, and that is why it is worth more than the one being sold down the road? If the answer is you will, would that not indicate that you are receiving some betterment?
Feb 5, 12:12pm
All this is beside the point as we're going to DT anyway. What I really need to know is. does a new long block come with a cam belt?
Feb 5, 12:15pm
Yes, but would you pay 10k more? From asking around it would ring alarm bells with some people and put them off buying. The rest of the car and parts are still 125,000km old.
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