It’s not legal YET.

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wind.turbine, Jun 27, 3:50am
Just wait for it though, they will have another "lockdown" conveniently to then go pass this and a whole heap more into law while everyone is distracted by the over dramatizing media.
Just like they did with every other law, did it under the covers

wind.turbine, Jun 27, 3:57am
I'm a Fencer and agchem contractor, I just use a van, I need a ute for the off reading that I do, also cant exactly biff a handful of posts in the back of a van like I can with the ute, and I also do bring material in everyday.
Also my ute is stacked full of tools so cant just leave it all at every site and use a small car to get there every day.

I know many tradies and appentices that carry all their gear around in utes and vans ect and wont leave gear on site because of all the theft going on.

Even I have to try hide material out of site to discourage light fingered neighbors.
Some I wont take out unless I know its going in the ground that day.

So no, I cant use a small car or van to run my business, its practically impossible.

trade4us2, Jun 27, 4:09am
And we must never forget that CO2 does not change the climate in any measurable way, so the whole idea of minimising CO2 is a giant scam.
Ask a real scientist who has studied Physics.

bill1451, Jun 27, 5:18am
commentinng on your ownpost ?

bill1451, Jun 27, 5:19am
And your qualifications ARE, ?

bill1451, Jun 27, 5:22am
OR dont let the facts get in the way of a good story.

ronaldo8, Jun 27, 5:22am
You called?
ps, you are full of it.

bumfacingdown, Jun 27, 6:35am
But not saying how much the mark up will be on those costs

curlcrown, Jun 27, 2:05pm
We must also realise that CO2 is peddled by Governments and the Media as a poison when in fact it is essential for life on Earth.

bitsy_boffin, Jun 27, 2:18pm
Water is essential for life on earth. That doesn't stop you from drowning if there's to much of it.

tamarillo, Jun 27, 3:21pm
A non hybrid used import Camry attract $1100. Something wrong with yer maths

s_nz, Jun 27, 3:35pm
Free band is below 192g co2/km.

The non hybrid (4 cylinder) Camry cira 2014 in is rated at 7.8L/100km or 183g co2/km.

curlcrown, Jul 19, 8:55am