The EVolution of motoring and the Neanderthals are still not adapting! no wonder they died out. "Intrade" moans constantly about ICE vehicles being Nuked by their Electronics and the enormous cost involved to repair. Electric motors ARE reliable with less maintenance costs and fewer moving parts and probably less service required. Sounds good to me.
Nov 19, 1:19pm
i enjoy 2 things, good cars and motor racing. ev,s do not fit either.
Nov 19, 1:21pm
Heard of the EXXON Valdez, or have you forgotten? 86,000sq miles of contamination. Hope you like the taste of Texaco with your fish. How about the "Deep water Horizon" heard of that? Below is an example of occurrences that may have been forgotten about: saves me listing other examples:
Cheaper to drive to a 4-5 Star hotel and holiday, than tow a cumbersome unit ( holding up traffic along the way) for 3 weeks of the year and then have it sit around deteriorating/depreciating for the rest of the time.
Fossil fuelers are slugs compared to EVs and the next few years will see EVs beat ICEs on all fronts. Pikes Peak and other short duration events so far but as battery tech moves ahead the ICEs won't stand a sh*ts show.
Nov 19, 1:32pm
Mate! you just can't help yourself. I'll take a "big girls blouse" all day over what your own alternative is. I am somewhat bemused that, because of my preference for European Marques you deem it necessary to have a bite. At least I'm giving you a reason to be Alive.
Nov 19, 1:33pm
I read stories about the good idea of reusing traction batteries for domestic storage, but can find few real examples.
If the capacity has deteriorated then the overall efficiency will be down as well, which means wasting electricity. That may be OK, but I would not want to see a couple of hundred Kg of ageing unstable chemical reactor strapped on the side of the house, likely being managed in a way it was not intended. Insurance company may have some thoughts as well.
Nov 19, 1:41pm
It's honourable that we in NZ worry about various forms of pollution but we are a speck of dust as far as oil dumping/seepage is concerned. I was in Japan (80s/90s) buying container loads of Euro parts for my yard and I was aghast at the way the wreckers / dismantlers there just drained the old engine oil on to the ground and let it run into the drains that ran through the Rice Paddy fields. There are of course worse places.
Nov 19, 1:52pm
So many assumptions and non-truths in one sentence.
Nov 19, 1:53pm
I saw those after I posted, I wonder if there was a generator before they got power to one of the sites, or was a temporary charge point as people were running out before the two new grid charge points went in. Or the guy was just full of sh!t.
Nov 19, 2:37pm
No assumptions there. Have done both over the years. Currently cover all bases other than the Hotel/Motel option which is cheaper anyway.
Nov 19, 3:08pm
I can’t comment on the 4-5star accomodation as I do not like staying in hotels. Very expensive and you often don’t spend much time in them.
As for the cumbersome, holding up traffic, and depreciating aspects, that is entirely up to the user. None of which apply to my setup
Nov 19, 3:09pm
Burn more coal In Huntly so the snow flakes can claim moral superiority when the drive their electric eyesores.
But it was about HIS caravan not what suits you or what you do surely. I will add that the distance rating for an EV is all very well as far as it goes but if you wish to do some towing, whether it is a trailer, caravan, large adults and lots of hills in the winter with the heater on or summer with air conditioning etc. etc. your rating quickly drops off. EV will never be much use until you have the convenience and speed and range and power of petrol/ diesel. As for RUC give it time. It will come in gradually and increase. As for consumables it is simply naive to believe that the haul that they (vehicle manufacturers and parts suppliers) are making from the ever increasing list of ICE consumables in cars is somehow going to be a thing of the past! FEWER consumables, sure! But just you watch! They will price things so that the money EV owners pay, (all things considered) will on average be the same or higher than ICE. Why? Well why would they settle for a significant drop in revenue? Of course "Save money with an electric car they said. ", but seriously, did you believe them?
Nov 19, 6:12pm
I think most people would expect some serious destruction from any car being crashed into a pole at 200km/h. Hard to fault the car for this.
Nov 19, 11:34pm
The driver did pretty good, even surviving , quote { driver managed to flee on foot following the incident, but was found by local authorities three blocks away}
Nov 20, 1:21am
come back in 20-25 years when ev.s have le mans by beating a real cars in a side by side race. i will make it easy for you win a 200 mile GP racing against real cars using current rules.
Nov 20, 1:41am
A Toyota hybrid is the fastest thing around Le Mans to date.
Bugger the batteries. and yes instead of this nonsense, we could reduce our population by at least 7/8s.
Nov 20, 2:04am
wow 1 whole lap did it win?
Nov 20, 2:11am
Bill mate! 20-25 years would be unreal. For me waking everyday is a Bonus. If they have Pit Stops (as they do for ICE races) surely in the future EVs will have a battery pack that can be developed to be swapped over in seconds during Race conditions. I'm sure the "Current Rules" would not have even been thought of 20-25 years ago and like everything is subject to change. Unfortunately mate you like a lot on here are Locked into a World of Yesteryear and like me it's hard living in the world of our Kids and G/kids. As much as it may rankle us, It's a different World to what it used to be and the wants and needs have changed. I'm learning to accept and to try and enjoy what's left for me. AN EV is on my Bucket List.
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