Credit card receiver in Jap car.

budgel, Mar 29, 12:42pm
My 2004 Honda accord Euro has a credit card reader thing with a red light on it. If I just cut the wire to take it out will there be any negative effects, or do I have to go in deeper and disconnect it?

slarty45, Mar 29, 1:13pm
if it ain`t broke

monaro17, Mar 29, 1:48pm
I could be wrong but I believe they are E-toll card readers- not actually credit cards but specific loadable cards like a metro card or something. Useless as a chocolate fire guard here. As stated above why go looking for trouble by trying to disconnect it? That is unless Bill gates is planning on using it to control the microchip in the Covid Vaccine.

Put some black tape over the light if it is annoying

toyboy3, Mar 29, 1:54pm
Just unplug the unit

theo35, Mar 29, 2:10pm
I had one of those i took it out it was getting power from the cigarette lighter wiring connector. No problems resulted. Nice clean tidy car now.

gammelvind, Mar 29, 2:25pm
The advice I always had was not to cut it but simply unplug, guess it prevents the chance of live wiring floating around.

nice_lady, Mar 29, 3:03pm
Just ignore it. It'll be a toll road card reader. We had one in our 2001 Civic - it's probably still there if that car is still on the road.

curlcrown, Mar 30, 3:19am
I've romoved hunderds of those things from cars and only had a probem a couple of time. I would suggest unplugging it rather than cutting to wire for tow reasons. If you cut it it could casue a short circut, and in the unlikly event that remving it causes a problem you can simply plug it in again.

kazbanz, Aug 27, 9:41am
You don't need to cut the wire. Just unplug it from the back of the card reader. It only does one job so theres no negative impact here in NZ. If the day comes you replace the head unit from the car you might want to pull all the extra wires through and remove them