My in line 6 wasn't used much 2015 and I retired it from racing early 2016. At that last race meeting, I think there was a lot of smoke, presumably from the rocker cover breathers, during the last race.
It has only been fired up twice since then and although petrol will be rubbish until I add some fresh, I'm wondering if the smoke may be a symptom of stuck piston rings?
It hasn't done a high mileage since the engine was rebuilt some years ago and most usage has been on the race track.
Without a compression test, is it worthwhile dribbling some Redex (or similar) down the plug holes and leaving it for 24 hours, before firing it up again? It ran two days ago, but sounded a bit rough - probably due to the fuel.
I don't really want to lift the head at the moment as it is heavy and gaskets are scarce.
Nov 18, 2:23pm
how was it rebuilt? New rings in honed oval shaped boor
Nov 18, 2:45pm
Theres no real reason to suspect stuck rings. Drive it some more, check your oil, oil level, and breathers.
Nov 18, 2:55pm
Having resurrected quite a number of elderly engines over more decades that I'm willing to admit to I'd say the number one issue was invariably stale petrol. It turns to varnish and gives you no end of issues.
Drain the tank, blow out the fuel lines and even strip/clean carbs before jumping to conclusions.
Nov 18, 3:28pm
That stale fuel may be a problem right now, but it was blowing smoke when on fresh fuel and with a practice and three races. Running twin Strombergs, so easy enough to clean out.
It was pushed to its usual rev limit of about 5,200rpm and should have blown any crap out, but it was getting slightly worse.
Separate issue I know, but I also suspect the block waterways might have silted up a wee bit, from lack of use (cast iron block and head) as the water temperature was running hotter than usual, so the waterworks will also need a good flush - and with something stronger than plain water!
Nov 18, 3:45pm
Old pommie cars all burn and leak oil.
Nov 19, 12:30am
What sort of engine is it please? In ine 6 could be quite a variety of engines.
Nov 19, 12:32am
My guess is an Austin Healey.
Nov 19, 2:26am
is it the Volvo engined Marcos , hence gasket hard to come by.
Nov 19, 5:48am
compression test
Nov 19, 5:54am
Yep & general leak down test. Has it got a PCV /EGR system of any type? (possible sucking oil vapor from the sump) If thats ok then fresh fuel AND oil with another round of praying
Nov 19, 10:31am
Coming from the rocker cover/engine breather it has pretty much got to be piston blow by.
Could be stuck rings, broken rings or blown piston(s). Broken rings slam against the ring lands, ultimately break them, and the piston is blown.
Nov 19, 10:59am
Yeah, yeah, yeah. But it isn't a pommie engine. None of our other pommie cars leak or burn oil either.
Volvo B30 engine as per Tamarillo's post.
I'll clean out the PCV tomorrow, all being well. Cleaned the carbs today, but very little build up at all. A wipe of acetone sorted that. Draining the tank isn't easy, but there isn't much fuel in it anyway.
I still think rings are possibly sticking, so I'll do a compression test as luckily, someone has just given me a tester!
Nov 19, 11:26am
plus one . blow by
Oct 22, 1:11am
Blow by is the symptom of the issues I listed.
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