Google Maps or similar- question

stevo2, Jul 25, 1:31am
Hi all. Im about to organise a 400km drive for our car club. I have worked it all out on Google Maps and it gives me directions with distances from one turn off till the next. What I'm after is a drive sheet with a "Running total" distance so everybody can set their trip meters to zero at the start and know exactly what it should read when they get to their next intersection.
Does anybody know if this setting is available in Google Maps or is there another map I can use?
Many thanks, Cheers Stevo
edit, copied to "Computing"

kazbanz, Jul 25, 11:05am
hey Stevo--dunno if this is of any use to you.
We use it to plan running/cycling routes

stevo2, Dec 17, 9:53am
Thanks for the replies Kaz and Nice_Lady. Spoke to the guy thats been collating some of our other runs today. He plots it out on Google Maps then transfers the info to a spreadsheet which works out a running total and prints it out.
I did my run today, it turned out to be a bit over 300km plus another 200km to get from my house to the start line and home again, so nearly 500km today.
Cheers Stevo