Old cars

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absolute_detail, Jun 15, 2:40am
Why in a lot of news articles about cars they go on about the age of the vehicles in NZ? Why do they go on like we should be buying a new car every 5 years, seems kind of wasteful to me.

Also I think when they calculate the average age they are counting all of the classic cars people own and dont use daily which Id say we have quite a lot of here

tygertung, Jun 15, 3:16am
NZ has the most cars per capita than any other country in the world apart from San Marino and Monaco, which are pretty small.

So no wonder there is so many old dungas. We have a 20 year old car but don't use it very much, wouldn't make sense to buy a brand new one.

cjohnw, Jun 15, 4:05am

alowishes, Jun 15, 4:11am
They should have also included New Zealand-drivers-the-most-dange-

wasgonna, Jun 15, 4:15am
A Morris Minor is as safe as a 2021 Volvo. The secret is don't crash and be aware of other idiots on the road.

richardmayes, Jun 15, 4:17am
I think a lot of the "old cars are bad for the environment, we need more new cars" agitation comes from people who have never seen a steel mill up close. Greta and the school strike for climate would cry if they saw where a Nissan Leaf comes from.

tygertung, Jun 15, 4:51am
Greta and the school strike for climate for climate are probably not promoting driving at all. Very inefficient way of getting around as the vehicle weight to payload ratio is shithouse.

tygertung, Jun 15, 4:52am
Very true. I've never seen such aggressive and impatient drivers in all the other countries I've been to.

bill1451, Jun 15, 4:56am
absolute_detail wrote:
Why in a lot of news articles about cars they go on about the age of the vehicles in NZ? Why do they go on like we should be buying a new car every 5 years, seems kind of wasteful to me.

Also I think when they calculate the average age they are counting all of the classic cars people own and dont use daily which Id say we have quite a lot of here[/quote classic cars % wise would make up a very small part of the fleet in NZ and how many of the really old ones are used as daily drivers anyway, more like a sunday drive, and what about the cost of insurance.

dublo, Jun 15, 4:57am
And the creating of electric car batteries is not exactly environmentally or worker- friendly.
I read somewhere that for every 5 years you keep a car that means one less new one needs to be built! Meanwhile, there are thousands of hectares of land used to store new cars which will probably never be sold.
(Our well-maintained "modern" car is 22 years old and at 132000km it hopefully has a lot of life ahead of it. A 51 year old car, now on 233000 miles, is regularly used and mostly about town. No doubt it is not as fuel-efficient as a modern car but I expect it adds very little pollution to the environment .)

m16d, Jun 15, 5:16am
Obviously never been to north Queensland.

poppy62, Jun 15, 5:25am
None of the issues we discuss on here would be ongoing if only Mankind could reduce the worlds population by up to 50%. However the other side of the coin is, that, as the ever increasing population and the demand for the planets resources grows, the need to populate Mars and other planets is fast being brought forward. Wonder when the 1st inter planetary war will occur.

intrade, Jun 15, 5:38am
so basically we should all walk without public transport so our government can make more free trade agreements and import stuff from the worlds biggest pollutor. get f. kn real!

intrade, Jun 15, 5:46am
and now they want to make another dump in the doome valley so we can dump all the electric cars there also?

franc123, Jun 15, 5:48am
Lol the ignoramus that wrote that article needs to take a tour of some of these hillbilly states in the US or these jungle outfits in Asia or Africa where bloody near anything goes and there are no periodic safety checks on vehicles, or maybe even rural Queensland or Sth Australia. Of course the UK has a newer vehicle fleet, they tip salt and grit all over the place and thats about the best life you can hope for out of a car if its being used daily every winter. You will see rust in an 8yo car that will never ever been seen here in something the same age. People here don't have stuff as new as those in metropolitan Australia because theyre not paid well enough, its that simple.

tygertung, Jun 15, 6:53am
I just checked and in those jungle outfits in Africa they only have a few cars per thousand people, maybe 5, so less danger as you hardly ever see a car. In NZ we have 837 per 1000 people.

So more dangerous here as you are likely to get hit by the old dunga as there are so many old dungas around.


whynot47, Jun 15, 7:04am
hey tiger we have old dungerrs down here

jkm, Jun 15, 7:25am
Article from car recyclers so they have a vested interest.
I thought cars from 2007/8 forward have multiple airbags and pretty good technology

franc123, Jun 15, 7:44am
Doesnt make what they are driving safe though does it? Until you have seen steering tie rods attached to hubs by fencing wire on what was a Hiace taxi bus that regularly carried 30 people like I have in SA it would be best to stay quiet.

franc123, Jun 15, 7:53am
It doesnt have any more credibility than these periodic articles from the MTA bleating we need 6 month WoF's back.

tygertung, Jun 15, 7:55am
In South Africa they have 174 for 1000 people, whereas Somalia only has 3 per 1000 people, so less of a risk in Somalia, as even if the vehicles are dodgy, there isn't many of them.

intrade, Jun 15, 8:00am
Now the only wrong thing in this video is they where paid to buy new cars not diesel as he claims that about the only error i spotted in this video plus battery may last 14 years on EV streched to 20 when you replace cells But overall the video is accurate. Europenas did buy diesel because they was not noisy and loads cheaper to operate to begin with = why most did buy diesel not because they where paid to buy diesel only gasoline had the same (scrapping cars rebait) in europe.
Diesel was more expensive to buy with the re-bait as petrol cars, but loads cheaper on the Pump. (back then)

tygertung, Jun 15, 8:54am
I'm not watching any youtube videos, only text.

gunna-1, Jun 15, 10:35am
Its just lies to keep the capitalist juggernaught turning, i think moveing on from cars compleatly would be ideal and not waste more time with gimmics, i dont know if greta promotes nissan leafs or not, its a gas burner or bust for me, keep me out of a nissan leaf and il,e be happy as.

richardmayes, Jun 15, 10:41am
The trouble is, move on from cars to. what, exactly?

Public transport almost works. IF you stick to routes in heavily populated areas, AND pour in taxpayer subsidies.

Public transport that provided complete coverage so that everybody everywhere in the country could walk half a km or less, to wait for a few minutes, to get on public transport, that would get them where they need to go, would involve a LOT of almost empty buses and trains running day and night in the wilderness, that's not too good for the environment either. And probably makes a car that sits switched off in the driveway 99% of the time, burning nothing, waiting until it is actually needed, look quite efficient and environmentally friendly!