I was looking at a water damaged Tesla and reading through the VIRM and from what I understand every safety related component must be repaired or replaced where as before in was at and below the point of flooding or damage.
Has anybody experience with this?
Dec 23, 9:39am
Are you asking if anyone on here has experience repairing a flood damaged Tesla? I wouldn't think so - I may be wrong.
But, hey if it was a 1989 Corolla - different story!
Dec 23, 9:45am
Would that mean replacing the battery pack and electric motor? I could see an overzealous inspector deeming them to be safety related. Anyway where would you be likely to find the (any) replacement parts that might be needed?
Dec 23, 10:18am
Yes everything will need replacing, and not because it's a Tesla either. Any safety feature, traction control ABS computer, seat belts etc. If it's been in a flood it's not worth doing
Dec 23, 10:24am
There is a dude on youtube who will help you with this - look him up
Dec 23, 10:31am
Rich rebuilds? Different country, completely different rules. And he bought his flood damaged Tesla for a fair bit less money than the 65 grand the Aussie flood damaged one is going for. Interesting watching though.
Dec 23, 10:33am
65k! ? why would you?
Dec 23, 10:43am
in new zealand forget it.you obviously never did hear of rich rebuilds. Tesla wont sell you no parts. and then thew was that guy who had supercharge disabled in Ragland new zealand . you cant ship any batterys . The worst place to own a electric car is a island like we live on for transportation of battery there has to be a phone number that will answer when called and tell exactly every detail about a lithium ion battery. if they dont answer a 70,000 us $ fine will be issued . that law is global so dont dream you be getting any stuff cheap.
Dec 23, 10:51am
The battery is probably fine, they are well sealed. And it's probably worth 20-30 grand by itself (100kw). The rest of the car is only going to be scrapped for parts I'd guess.
Dec 23, 1:09pm
apollo11 if its submerged its almost most probable likely anything but fine. car gurus first tesla was a flooded tesla that he fixed with the kitchen knive. by stripping all and everything that gets damaged by water out of the car, i have extensive know-how also about flooded vehicles well before that. I was never stupid enough to pay 1 cent at The T auction site but i put in my quantum computer wat damage and what stench the things emit Toyota 1kz hilux was what i can pull from my memory bank with that comment.
Dec 23, 1:50pm
The car is driving perfectly fine, so likely there was no water ingress.
Dec 23, 1:53pm
You've got no experience rebuilding and recertifying cars, obviously.
Dec 23, 2:20pm
ok one of course needs to know all facts if 1 fact is missing it can change things quite dramatic. And yes tesla are good electic CARS if i was getting one like pick and get ir be a p100D
Dec 23, 2:21pm
correct almost no one has i am maybe getting a hoist that could take tesla battery pack alignment . - .
Dec 23, 3:00pm
The battery packs are fully sealed, and Teslas are able to power through water deep enough to stall the equivalent fossil car. I'm not keen on Teslas, too much complicated electronic junk in them for me.
Dec 23, 3:21pm
appollo telsa 40 k mile is where bearings of main motor fail. especially on a p100D probably 30k mile if i own i was to own it. my pumpedüse diesel pulls like a rocket at rpm 1700 to 4200 thats deadly if you add more torque its why darkside development tunes with exesssive heat all the way to max rpm. but my bora pulls like a tesla or a supercar . you will know when your guts moves to to your spine . and floppiing your head back is youtube bullcrap . Right then from darkside development explained this. my borea vag pd tdi asz will do from 80 to 140 in 2 secounds to get the idea how it moves your organs . backwards.
Dec 23, 3:30pm
Yeah I'm happy with my bikes. Cars are shopping trolleys for me.
Dec 24, 12:55am
I have asked a legitimate question and you answer with a snide remark, what is the point of this?
Dec 24, 2:57am
i could not bring myself to gamble $65000 on a car that MAY not every be able to be driven on NZ roads.
for $20-30000 more you can get a new one - not the same specs but still a better "bet"
why are you even interested in it ?
Dec 24, 9:01am
you wont get help for a tesla . i am adapting my shop for ev repair . but its not like in america where you can buy a few tesla wracks and build 1 good one with the kitchen knive like carguru did - aka rich rebuilds after he was told he will be sued if he continues with carguru name. Shipping lithium batterys is a global ultra expensive dangerous goods . i paid 1500$ shipping for 2 scantools from china The phone number on box must answer to tell what is inside dangerous goods or a 70.000$~ fine will be issued to shipper of goods . that was all before zombi apacolyps already .
Dec 24, 9:27am
That's only because Li-ions with organic electrolyte burn so well. The new 4680's use a 'dry' electrolyte and solid state cells don't use an electrolyte at all.
Dec 24, 10:20am
My understanding is that it is a very expensive process to re-comply flood damaged vehicles in general.
With regards to Tesla, basically they will not only not support you, but will actively try to fight your through this process. Including disabling access to their supercharger network, and if they get the chance via remote access, even disabling DC charging completely in the car.
Look into this guy's situation. Note that his car just had collision damage, and he did everything properly, spending big bucks on tesla approved repairers etc, rather than doing a DIY job. Also everything from parts to service manuals can be hard to get your hands on.
On top of the above damaged Tesla's command relatively high prices. I think this is a combination of people like OP looking for a cheap route into the brand by re-complying them, The tight market for parts & limited aftermarket making used parts more valuable for wreckers, and the value of battery and drive-train components for re-purposing to other applications.
Frankly re-purposing seems the most appropriate to me. Putting a Tesla power train into a boat or race car (either track or off road) would at least mean one could focus on the (numerous) technical challenges, rather than regulatory hurdles.
Dec 25, 2:36pm
I don't think I would bother with anything Tesla for a motorsport application. There are companies around the world developing parts and entire electric power train systems for electric motorsport applications, that are working with their customer clients to develop solutions, that comply with motorsport regulations - safety and performance etc. Stard, Cascadia Motion, GoEV, McLaren Applied, YASA, etc
It would appear that it may be the same guy selling this one.
Dec 27, 2:48am
Yeah it's probably him. Every time a Tesla catches fire, it gets a lot of air-time, even though fossil fuel cars are ten times more likely to be involved in a fire. The negative press is something Tesla would rather avoid.
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