So, the US's major oil producing state is hit by a freak weather event related to climate change due in a large part to burning of fossil fuels, and the press use it as an opportunity to make EVs look bad. No surprises there!
Wholesale power price spikes do not translate through to instantaneous consumer price rises but if they did how about the price to boil a kettle or iron a couple of shirts? Junk journalism at its worst from an expert in that field - Fox.
Feb 17, 4:26am
Mind you-Tesler should likely look to pay their fast charge stations as promised.
Headlines are bullshit, brief moments of time escalated for sensationalism.
Feb 17, 8:56am
Wyoming vs Texas though.
Feb 17, 9:27am
I see it regularly on Stuff!
Feb 17, 9:28am
Lol, Fox.
Should note that relatively few retail customers are exposed to the spot prices. The only company offering that in texas seems to be "Griddy". Basically the same business model as flick electric in NZ.
Most customers can charge their tesla's at their normal fixed fee.
For those few customers, who are exposed to the spot prices, they knew what they were signing up for. Basically you generally save money, but when the price of power spikes in a situation like this, you need to stop using power or pay crazy amounts. Flick NZ has notifications via an app.
I guess most griddy customers would simply defer charging their tesla's until prices come down. If the weather is as bad as it says, driving dosn't sound like a great idea anyway. People shedding load actually make the situation better for others given there are rolling blackout's.
They blatantly misrepresented iced wind turbines being the main issue, when the capacity lost was primary due to instrumentation failing on conventional power plants.
The above is in addition to bashing electric vehicles by using them as the example of something that costed more in the price spike (without mentioning most consumer aren't exposed to wholesale prices).
Sep 12, 2:44am
Tesla would have bought their power for the charge stations at a smoothed rate on a longer term contract i would suspect just as most businesses do.
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