Best vehicle insurance provider.

jljjn28, Feb 16, 2:25am
Does anyone have any recommendations re a good vehicle insurer?

tamarillo, Feb 16, 2:31am
Quotes vary according to other factors such as age, car, other policies. I use AA which works for me.

cjohnw, Feb 16, 2:49am
Agree totally with above.
Best idea is to get quotes and some you can do online.
For purely personal reasons I avoid Tower.

jljjn28, Feb 16, 2:58am
Thanks everyone for your advice and I will get online now and get some quotes:)

harm_less, Feb 16, 3:35am
We've had good service from AMI for 20+ years. Having other insurance (house, contents) with the same insurer usually results in discounted premiums overall which be the case with many companies.

3tomany, Feb 16, 3:57am
FMG are the best especially if under 25s are likely to drive it.

annie17111, Feb 16, 3:59am
Fmg are really good. Hubby is a panel beater and recommends them

paul861, Feb 16, 5:49am

clark20, Feb 16, 2:08pm
Find a broker, they can get the same places as you have looked for cheaper, and they do all the work to find the best for you

bryshaw, Feb 19, 4:01pm
And their glass cover includes sunroof, head and tail lights.

annie17111, Feb 20, 3:07am
we had a broker and then changed to fmg because they were cheaper.

reb53, Feb 20, 1:02pm
I used to use a broker until I realised they weren't looking around for the best deal for me.
The best deal for them also had a bearing.
When I quizzed the broker's receptionist as to why they only used one of 3 companies she got very defensive, and not a little shirty.

3tomany, Sep 10, 10:40pm
Same here.