NEW HILUX 2021 200BHP AN 500NM

howard24, Jul 21, 2:27am

bjmh, Jul 21, 2:52am
As a hilux owner the last thing we need is a pissing comp with the competition on kilowatts .To be honest Toyota have been hopeless keeping up with power outputs of their competitors.I think the Raptor would leave hilux for dead in kilowatt comp.

tweake, Jul 21, 5:00am
well with that low amount of power/tongue its never going to be a pissing contest.
however as a reliable usable platform only time will tell.

gpg58, Jul 21, 5:11am

intrade, Dec 19, 6:48pm
i just read greatwall is going to put the pizzas on them all also .
From what i did read the only reason they dont want to buy it from comment posters is that the government is not to there liking.
its like saying we dont drink german beer cause adolf was the leader in 1942. While china has deeper rooted problem. a company who sells goods cant be put in to the same basket . back in the day no one was going to buy a kia hiundai
I think the hilux would have to be as good as the first corolla toyota made if it was to not vanish among the total garbage on sale right now