WOF rules on park lights

riddler, Nov 14, 7:20am
Bought a car a year ago and just took it for its first warrant. I havent changed a thing on it. It failed because the park lights are green. How come it passed last year?

kingfisher21, Nov 14, 7:31am
They were right to fail it this time, maybe the guy was half asleep last time.

bill-robinson, Nov 14, 7:52am
maybe, just maybe the bulbs were changed after the WOF was issued.

franc123, Nov 14, 7:58am
IF the green bulbs were fitted at the time of the check then it shouldnt have passed. It's a legit fail.

kazbanz, Nov 14, 9:10am
They missed it. good news is that its usually a fairly easy fix.
Pull the bulbs out Pull the rubber covers off the bulbs and put it all back in. or if the actually are green color bulbs then swap em for clear bulbs.

sw20, Nov 14, 9:11am
More than likely the previous owner of your car liked to drive at night with their fog lamps on and their little green park lights lit up. There is a special place in hell for them.

clark20, Nov 14, 10:07am
They dont necessary see everything every time. Just because it passed does not mean everything is legal.

marte, Nov 14, 11:19am

sandypheet, Nov 14, 11:50am
Geez I dont miss hearing the How come it passed last time phrase.

sred69, Nov 14, 12:16pm
Or it was working perfectly this morning

sarahb5, Nov 14, 12:31pm
I love the advice about fog lights

franc123, Nov 14, 1:24pm
Or the "Yeah but the person/dealer I bought it off said. "

sw20, Nov 14, 3:33pm
Shame it's never enforced. If the police actually were 'revenue' collecting all they would have to do is a one night sting country wide and there would be millions in fines handed out at $150 a pop.

gunhand, Nov 14, 3:40pm
Yep, and if they wanted even more easy revenue they could sit down the road from stop signs, they would make a killing with out breaking a sweat.

alowishes, Nov 14, 4:26pm
Some people miss the ‘park’ bit - they drive around in low light/darkness with said lights on - and no headlights on.

sw20, Nov 14, 4:35pm
Saving power. They can see where they are going so they don't need headlights.

marte, Oct 24, 8:59am
Its not uncommon the see a Police car with a blown tail light, not as common as a Police car with a blown headlight, but I do see it occasionally. Like on Wednesday.

But on the open road, more than 10% of cars have blown lightbulbs. It's not uncommon to see 2 or 3 in a row, no, that's wrong, it's common to see that.

Tail lights is one thing. but blown headlights? On a Taxi?! For months?!