Importing car and caravan from Australia.

nakiguy2, Mar 20, 1:52am
I’m working in the Australian outback for the next 3-4yrs and thinking about buying a new 4x4 ute and new caravan. At the end of the my stint in oz, I’m thinking about shipping it all home. What would be the pro and cons of this exercise?

bryalea, Mar 20, 2:42am
Wouldn't you be better to buy new before you leave so whatever comes home is in fact new not done many 1000's km in 4 years in the outback. (Depends I guess how much travel you intend to do). BIL moved back a few years ago with all his vehicles, seemed happy with that option.

nakiguy2, Mar 20, 3:10am

john1623, Mar 20, 3:20am

tygertung, Mar 20, 3:33am
Maybe you could have some poles and a tarpaulin to create some shade for your caravan as otherwise it might get a bit hot in the Australian sun?

tamarillo, Mar 20, 4:30am
Cons, what cons. Aussie vans are sought after here as they are better built than pommy ones and usually self contained. Ute will be same thing. Not sure if after market bull bars would be allowed here?

kazbanz, Mar 20, 5:53am
Cutting through it all. It comes down to the money in my opinion.
Roughly speaking getting the ute here and on the road will cost you about 3k. So after the 4 years I'd do the sums on what you can sell it for in auzzie and buy one here for VS what that one will cost you to bring over.
The caravan on the other hand might be a good investment and a great way to bring your other "stuff" back from auzzie . It will still need to be complied,electrical and gas wof done

intrade, Mar 20, 5:58am
i have seen some models sell for less then they do in stralia. like the ldv g10 van we can get cheaper then what said he got his one for .
Also warning if it does comply to australia dont means it complys to nz new import laws.

intrade, Mar 20, 6:04am
caravan cleaning laws are extreem it be a nightmare if there is stuff inside the cleaning bill will eyewatering. since you cant just take stuff out. once they deemed its got contamination inside like a spider web or soil.
i had to get my container cleaned externally in 2003 because of a spider web from europe. lucky not internally . rules are likely tenfolds tighter now. as you cant custom clear anything your self now as i could back then.
So do plenty research before you end up in your own trap.

tygertung, Mar 20, 7:11am
Will there be shade where you are parking it? Otherwise wouldn't it get really hot inside? Maybe you could put mirrors on the top to reflect the sunlight off?

mrcat1, Mar 20, 9:03am
You can buy new Aussie vans here in NZ, I've seen a number of New Era vans here.

nakiguy2, Mar 20, 1:55pm
It’ll have solar panels on the roof to soak up that Australian sun and make power!

nakiguy2, Mar 20, 1:57pm
Can you expand on the compliance issues please?

tygertung, Mar 20, 3:53pm
Great idea! Shade, and power!

Maybe you can put some canvas awnings over the windows too.

msigg, Sep 1, 1:42am
Well people do do it do there is money in it. All depends what the value is when returning. The caravan can get washed, the gas and electrical compliance is easy and is not a wof requirement, only a hook up camp requirement at some sites. Do your sums and all good.