What a load of rubbish, you have been listening to InTrade way to many times!How come i can burn anywhere from 200-500 liters of diesel fuel a day and never have any fuel pump, injector, oil burning issues! I certainly don't use any additives and certainly aren't going to start anytime soon. As for filling up the fuel filter before installing it, that is another stupid thing to do, as the fuel in the filter that you have added is unfiltered, why even use a fuel filter if your going to do stupid things like that. And as for filling up the fuel filter with some additive then installing it, if you can ever get it to go without smoking out the whole neighbourhood, you very likely run the risk of hydraulicing the engine as the additive won't atomise like fuel will. If i was the OP i would have the injectors serviced with new nozzles and reset the pop pressure in them first, as they regulate how much and how the fuel is added to the engine, if they are not atomising properly you can either get it to burn black or even worse melt a piston from a hot spot where the fuel is hitting the piston top. And if the pop pressure is not right they will also not atomise properly or leak and dribble that will also make the engine overfuel and burn black, the other problem with it overfueling is you wash the bores and end up with no lubrication and scored bores,and if petrol has been run thru the injectors that won't help the nozzles either, But hey what would i know.
Oct 2, 2:02am
When did I say to prefill the filter with fuel!
Oct 2, 2:04am
How come i can burn anywhere from 200-500 liters of diesel fuel a day and never have any fuel pump, injector, oil burning issues!
um! i dunno. must be a DAMN long day if ya can get up in the A.M! and drive and USE FIVE HUNDRED LITRES. (Either that or ya diesel needs a damn good tunny-up-LOL)
Oct 2, 2:05am
About here,"change fuel filter (and put a bottle of Wynns EDT additive in it before screwing it back on), bleed it."
Oct 2, 2:05am
I do this on old diesels all the time, no smoke, no atomisation or running problems, and I don't completely fill the filter, just one bottle, which would be about a third. The consistency of the additive is about the same as diesel fuel anyway.
Oct 2, 2:06am
Nope, still can't see where I wrote "prefill the filter with diesel".
Oct 2, 2:06am
From post #1.i assume this was ( black smoke ) it ALL goes downhill from there with **assunptons** and not facts.
Oct 2, 2:07am
No you didn't say fuel, you said additive, I was thinking of your mate Intrade, thats his stupid idea, along with additives. Every diesel is going to pack up if you don't use Chemtech from memory.
Oct 2, 2:09am
(translating, a la "snoopy" style)
Damn thang has a dead rat in the air cleaner-or it was on target with a rag in the air cleaner box and it **sucked ya in**
Oct 2, 2:09am
But still not the brightest of things to do as the additive will be unfiltered.
Oct 2, 2:12am
Oh, OK, I see ;). Right, I never ever prefill a fuel filter with diesel before fitting it, unless it's some old POS tractor. I only use additives when I service an older diesel vehicle that has a diesel bug, water and crap sitting at the bottom of the separator AND if the filter hasn't been changed in a while. Otherwise, I don't use additives in vehicles that come in for regular oil and filter changes. *Sigh*
Oct 2, 2:13am
The same aplies to the engine oil then, yes!
Oct 2, 2:18am
If you have bug in a fuel system you would be better trying to get rid of the water in the tank that is causing the bug, you could treat the tank withadditive till the cows comes home but unless you get the water out of the tank you are wasting your time.
Oct 2, 2:20am
Yes, and it won't help the engine get oil pressure after a oil change by doing it, most likely do more damage by unfiltered oil and possibly debri going thru the engine than any saving in time for the pressure light to go out.
Oct 2, 2:24am
That explains a few things.because, every time they come in for service (every 6 months), they always have a diesel bug problem. Looks like I'll have to have a chat to some of our local farmers. They have their own fuel tanks at their farms.wonder if they're sealed 100%.Thanks mrcat1.
Oct 2, 2:24am
500 or even more is easy in a day with big diesels at full noise for 10-12 hours a day, i have put in just over 1000 liters in a day if all the machines need filling at once.
Oct 2, 2:29am
um fxit has a 2LT. 2.4 LITRE Toyota.LOL
Oct 2, 2:33am
Oooohhhh your wasting your time there, farmers are their own worst enemy, they don't realise that the old fergy would run on anything, nowadays with common rail engines in tractors and utes the number of cockys i have heard of blowing up engines because the don't either drain the farm tanks on a weekly basis, or even change the filters on them. My electronic engined Cat excavator has 3 fuel filters on it, 2 would hold at least 3 liters of fuel in each and the big water trap/ filter would hold 4 liters of fuel in it, i drain the fuel tank and water trap/ filter every week, my trailer tank is drained very regular, daily if the firewood is damp. Hitachi diggers with the Isuzu common rail engine have giant warning stickers in the cab to drain the filters daily, i know of a few that have gone bang because this hasn't been done, AND they have no warranty comeback if they find water in the tank or filters. Depending on what size machine they could range in price from $30k thru to $60k if not more on the bigger stuff.
Oct 2, 2:42am
Another thing the OP could do is oil sample the engine oil and see if it shows up with fuel in the oil, this would then give him a good idea that the injectors are in need of a service and nozzles etc.
Oct 2, 6:01am
ummmm . ummmmmmmm . first of all what engine is it! commonrail diesel are far more difficult to diagnose and repair bills are 10 folds of a older diesel. injector of older diesel show signs off missing out the exhaust especially when cold and straight after start. overly black smoke is overfueling due to a rooted shim usually on the injector pump i think its called K-line mesuring if that is worn then you also have a expensive bill, and the cause for that is ulsd =(ultra-low-sulfur-diesel) its only a matter of time till you get this problem on any diesel operating in new zealand as the diesel is raffined from crap crude oil mostly to maximise profits. Prevention is to add chemtech-additive or winns-edt to each tank of diesel. Or live and pay for the resuting consequences for driving crap fuel.
Oct 2, 6:07am
a typical problem on 90s toyota diesel is the usless EGR deleting and cleaning the intake would help but stuff like this should not be left till its failing awof as it could mean that this plus plenty more repairs are requiredto stop it from smoking and japanese diesel from 90s need new injectors every 180.000km as they are only half as solide built as the european bosch type injectors that operate up to 300,000km without problems on correct lubricating Diesel.
Oct 2, 1:34pm
Interesting that it was a GARAGE that failed it on a WOF check.
Oct 2, 5:02pm
I wonder if o/p has figured out where the spark plug leads go yet.
Oct 2, 6:55pm
come on guys read the thread properly.hes winding u up diesel then petrol,dirty motor cant find spark plug leads give them men a tuis each.well done lada man
Oct 2, 7:16pm
spark plug leads, yeah we think some dirty rat stole the s/plugs out of the engine while it was parked up, we sorta knew where they should be, so we undid some piping and some steel thingys to give us more room, but the s/plugs wouldn't quite fit, we tried hammering one in but it smashed., so we drilled out the hole a bit and glued it in with arildite, we'vetessted this method on a fiat 500 and works great ! so thats one end of the s/p wires sorted but now looks like the dirty theivi'nswine not only stole the spark plugs, but that that round thing that the other end of the s/p wires go to , and bugger me if the carbs gone awol , were a bit stumped matebut we'll fiqure it
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