Diesel RUC

susannah3, Oct 20, 6:36pm
can anyone tell me how much RUC are for a landcruiser prado (3 tonne) TIA

mm12345, Oct 20, 6:47pm
$46.51 per 1000km, plus $9.78 transaction fee.
I always buy in 5,000km lots, to coincide with oil & filter change.

mrfxit, Oct 20, 7:39pm
4000km ruc = $187.21 for 2T
Partly depends on what it's used for & what it's been 1st reg as
Domestic usage of a Hilux Surf 1st reg as a station wagon is the above example

kingfisher21, Oct 21, 1:28am
Free, just wind the odometer back :-)

nzroadtransport, Oct 21, 2:04am
or unplug speedo for 90 percent of the year

mugenb20b, Oct 21, 2:07am
Yeah.bit of a bugger when it's digital.

aj254, Oct 21, 2:09am
Makes it easier; put a switch in THAT wire just behind the dash.

mugenb20b, Oct 21, 2:09am
Yeah.bit of a bugger when your car's automatic and needs the vehicle speed signal to change gears correctly.

aj254, Oct 21, 2:10am
Just over $420 for 10,000k's, 3 tonne hilux.

mugenb20b, Oct 21, 2:10am

aj254, Jan 8, 2:51pm
I thought the wire from the speed sensor goes to the gearbox ecu and from there to the speedo!

Anyway someone has to pay for the roads, might as well be poor little me.