Anyone have a diesel for sale

faybian, Nov 13, 8:33pm
looking for an auto 7 seater family wagon and a cheap work ute.

faybian, Nov 13, 10:55pm
tried there

jasongroves, Nov 13, 10:57pm
If you could get away with 6 seats, then the Fiat Multipla is the vehicle you are looking for.

franc123, Nov 13, 11:01pm
Let me guess theres nothing cheap enough!
Second hand diesel utes only come in two types, expensive and good and cheap and stuffed, take your pick.

mugenb20b, Nov 14, 12:26am
Do they both need to be diesels!

bigmacca, Nov 14, 2:01am
ha franc123 you missed out the expensive and stuffed range ie shagged 4x4 hiluxs lol

franc123, Nov 14, 2:11am
Oops sorry my bad, you are 100% correct of course.

mdallas, Nov 15, 12:07am
You must admit it sounds like a hell of a good ute! L200 wouldn't be running in that hypothetical scenario.

franc123, Mar 5, 1:56am
Oops sorry my bad, you are 100% correct of course.Anytakers at 5 grand for Farmer Browns 1986 model thats done 640,000km and the underside is a lace doyley of cowdung induced corrosion!But by goodness its a Toyota so its worth a fortune aye!