NZ Left Hand Drive Laws Are Bullship

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tgray, Nov 10, 12:25am
I drive a LHD 93 camaro Z28 as a daily driver, and whilst you have to be more careful re overtaking, I don't find driving it about a problem at all. The only people who tell me it is a death trap being LHD are people who have never driven one and don't know what ther'e talking about.

2get1, Nov 10, 12:56am
its not restricted to older enthusiasts tho, anyone can buy an older LHD and you can bring in brand new ones so long as you comply with the new regulations. in some ways the new laws have made it easier for the older stuff, yet harder for the newer stuff

chevcamaro, Nov 10, 1:27am
i drive lhd, i find it safer than rhd,and yep the only bleaters about lhd being unsafe are those who wouldn't have a clue

grumpy9, Nov 10, 1:55am
Stick to your toy cars tosser
My last Yank tank was a 65 galixie running a 460 Big block.Bloody yank trash is all I can say[/quote]

sfw4, Nov 10, 5:45pm
its to stop Imports from the American market. japanese must be paying a packet to Govt

sfw4, Nov 10, 5:46pm
register it as a farm vehicle or beach vehicle

tgray, Nov 10, 6:37pm
Yep, that's really gonna help when you get pulled over.

pat56, Nov 10, 8:53pm
No it's not. It's time of importation.

pat56, Nov 10, 8:54pm
As farm vehicle can only be used within small radius of said farm.

vjregal770, Nov 10, 9:17pm
Most anything from the Cavalier/Neon era were as bad as each other.A 1994 Integra/Pulsar/Corolla would fare no better.

A blanket ban on LHD is a dumb idea. It would achieve nothing. They're brought in by enthusiasts, and are maintained and driven accordingly.

The dickheads are in the Integras/Pulsars/Corollas etc noted above. And they're all RHD.

Now what should REALLY be banned! Or, rather, WHO!

vjregal770, Nov 10, 9:22pm
Bullshit. If I can't get past in my LHD, I just hang back until I can. It's not difficult. I don't want to scratch my car, let alone wreck it. Your senses are noticeably heightened driving LHD - makes for a more alert driver than the boy-racer dickheads in their Evos or the yuppie tossers in their Pajeros (all RHD by the way) by a long shot!

jrlaw, Nov 11, 12:25am
Wow. hows about we all buy left hookers then we all drive on the right hand side of the road, then I suppose you would all like a right hand drive car!!

pat56, Nov 11, 12:37am
I think you're missing the point. These car enthusiasts like american cars. It just so happens that the yanks got it wrong when they decided which side of the road to drive on & we're stuck with left hookers.

sandypheet, Nov 11, 1:54am
So if you wanted to drive in the US,would you feel safer in a RH drive car!

shorty11, Nov 11, 3:28am
half yu clowns.have.never.nor will own a real car that is left hand any drive to conditions.of road.traffic.etc.if yu cant do that,either in a lhd.or rhd.yu go get a ferkin super market trolley.and learn to drive.i own both sorts.and prefer lhd.any probably makes one more aware,,and more observiant.when to want to make a pass at many lhd cars do yu see at the knackers yard.

loose.unit8, Nov 11, 3:52am
There are several laws which are stupid like the import after 20 years one. Factory vs aftermarket tints and exhaust noise for instance. factory all good - dark as whatever, loud as whatever.Aftermarket it's cert this and can't do that.It's either dangerous (tints) or annoying to everyone (loud) or it's not - there needs to be consistancy

cadifan, Nov 11, 4:00am
I've owned four LHD cars and driven heaps more than that. They are so bloody easy to get used to I got used to my first LHD car in ONE DAY! I owned nothing but LHD's for about 18 years and NEVER had any problems with seeing to pass or any of the other bullshit problems that people who have never driven them seem to think they have. They weren't small cars either, '69 Chev and three Cadillacs. THERE IS ABSOLUTELY NO VALID REASON TO LIMIT OR PREVENT THEIR IMPORTATION! If there was a problem with LHD vehicles being driven on the left side of the road then somebody please explain why the US Virgin Islands don't have that problem. ALL their vehicles are LHD including police and they drive the same side of the road as we do!

shorty11, Nov 11, 4:01am
mate,who giv a shit.yu own a car,,or build it.yu drive it.and if it not up too spec.yu will pay.yu are right.too many bullshit laws.but alas we all have to comply.within reason.sad too say.they dont want genuine cars on roads.they want all these sardine tins.ex japan.where government get spinoff from import spinoff from joe blogs building a car up over 12 years and putting out there for everyone to see.

jrlaw, Nov 11, 4:52pm
I was not missing the point just trying to wind you guys up and for sure I hooked one. But cannot see the sense in owning a left hooker when the regs say right hand drive it in New Zealand. ( still fishing hook hanging out)

doug207, Nov 11, 4:57pm
Mine's far bigger.

fordkiwi27, Nov 11, 5:02pm
left hook fo life!

doug207, Nov 11, 5:03pm
My vehicle has a central piloting position. Beat that.

tgray, Nov 11, 6:58pm
Wrong. That was the old rule.
look up and see for yourself.
Must now be 20 years or older before being certified for entry into service in NZ.

pat56, Nov 11, 10:30pm
Oh, when did it change to that!

kcf, Nov 12, 12:31am
April 1 2010