24 Toyota Silver colour variants under same code.

grangies, Nov 21, 5:14pm

rob_man, Nov 21, 5:31pm
Yes, a shit of a colour. I'm surprised to see that many variants in Lesonal though, they usually clean up their variants.
I think 1CO ended up a different colour with every batch that came from the manufacturers, it's one of those knife edge colours.

grangies, Nov 21, 7:52pm
It's gutless too.

I can still see right through the 2nd coat.

And the rear quater has fried up! ARRRRRRGH ! LOL.

rob_man, Nov 21, 10:15pm
Have a nice day.

brad166, Nov 21, 10:55pm
that'll teach you for not using ppg :P

rob_man, Nov 22, 12:11am
I looked it up out of interest and there are heaps of chips in the variant scheme. I think the gutlessness has a lot to do with it, a lot of the factory paint jobs are transparent and we all know where that leads.
And you and I both know it's no better in PPG Brad.

richardmayes, Nov 22, 12:12am
I knew it!

Modern plastic cars are available in 1001 different shades of grey.

gammelvind, Nov 22, 1:04am
Far too many children were chewing cars and the lead was making them sick. So the paint manufacturers have spent a lot of effort making all their tinters without lead, sadly the paint losses opacity.

grangies, Mar 29, 11:58am

At least Lesonal / Sikkens have the good manners to actually formulate all 24 variants, that Toyota have achieved through the years.

PPG are all good though. The Deltron Basecoat is lovely to spray.

And PPG LV clear is fark ing premo.