5K budget to buy an auto, diesel 4x4, what are your preferences! I??
Jan 16, 4:07pm
What is the job you need it to do!
Jan 16, 5:23pm
Budget 4x4! = $5K
LMFAO Spose you want something thats no older then 8 years as well
Jan 16, 6:58pm
Whats so funny! He said he wants a diesel auto 4x4 for under 5k. There is heaps on trademe, depending on what he wants to use it for he, should find something in that budget, of course not less than 8 years old.
Jan 16, 7:47pm
LOL yea well . ok whatever
The word "budget" /s-h & under $5K are a little hard for me to comprehend together but spose it's all relative to spec/age /condition levels etc
Jan 16, 7:51pm
Bighorn is ok. Why diesel! Would a Vitara/Escudo do the job just as well. Do some exploration into the costs of running a diesel vrs a petrol these days. Depending on what you are planning to use said 4x4 for you may be suprised
Jan 16, 7:54pm
Got an 88 2.4 turbo Hilux surf Been all over the north island Been all around the top of the south island Buzz's around the Waikato a lot Been towing upwards of 1.7T including trailer with no hassles, (Brother inlaw couldn't keep up in his 2ltr petrol hilux with under half the weight & plus no trailer)
Biggest expence has been catching up on a general lack of maintanence from the last owner
Cost us $900 nearly 2 years ago
Jan 16, 7:55pm
Overall yearly running costs of a diesel is dearer then a petrol, BUT that also depends a lot on IF you do teh maintanence your self or get the local garage to do it.
Day to day running is a lot cheaper on diesel
Jan 16, 7:59pm
Did the sums between 2.8Rodeo tdsl and 3.6 V6 Commodore ute. When you work it out on servicing, fuel, ruc etc the Commodore is cheaper to run as long as I don't give it heaps. I can afford up to 11ltrs per 100kms average before the diesel would be cheaper to run over all
Jan 16, 8:16pm
My brother has a 3.2 diesel Nissan & I have a 2L V6 Escudo. The Ecsudo is not only cheaper, but seems to be a better tow vehicle as well.
Jan 16, 11:12pm
Jeeze, I didn??
Jan 16, 11:29pm
MUs are pretty good value for money.
Jan 16, 11:37pm
If you can get a good surf for that price they're a good bet. Nothing wrong with a bighorn either. A couple of mates of mine have bighorns & they can take a hammering. As rob_man says, MUs aren't bad either.
Jan 17, 3:28am
Thanks for all the advice guys; mrfxit included (just winding you up mate). Looks like it will probably be a Toyota or Isuzu. Because I??
Jan 17, 4:10am
Isuzu Mu should fit the bull perfectly. Great little 4WD's.
Take your time and you'll get a bargain. I have seen some really well priced one's on here from time to time.
340446549 as an example.
Jan 17, 3:26pm
I would also go for the MU they really are a great little 4x4 and you certainly can find a really nice tidey one for around $5000,i would look for one after 1994 if possible [ 3.1 ] ,had a few improvements BUT in saying that nothing wrong with the 2.8 .i had a MU for over 8 years and thrashed the thing.its still going .lol. Another thought you can pick up Jeep Cherokee's cheap as,there is a guy here that bought one for $2500 and it is in bloody good nick [ i laughed to untill i saw it ] BUT thursty as on fuel
Jan 18, 12:56pm
yep I'd agree mu's are good value, I've done 9000km trouble free in the last 2months, cheap to run cheap for parts, handle reasonable on road. Just dont buy the 3.0l 4jx1 model, they go well, but cost a fortune when they start to play up. 3.1l 4jg2t is the one to get.
Jan 4, 8:55pm
I have 3L turbo 94 toyota surf 4sale if ur keen! its agood one
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