Diesel price

sue72, Nov 24, 2:02am
in the past week or two diesel has gone up abt 10 cents , petrol has stayed the same

fordcrzy, Nov 24, 2:03am
actualy 12 cents.was 147.9 now 159.9

falconer, Nov 24, 2:04am
Theiving sods and you still have to pay Road Use Charges.

franc123, Nov 24, 2:24am
Currently 1.61.9 in Chch.The economics of diesel in NZ are a fools paradise and have been for a few years now.It wasn't that long ago, well late in last century actually, that diesel used to be 1/2 the cost of petrol, now its cracked 3/4 of the cost.Plus RUCs and those charming licence fees.Unless you are doing huge, as in courier or taxi kms or towing a heavy trailer constantly it can't be worth it by now surely for most of you!

dr.doolittle, Nov 24, 2:32am
Funny you should mention the price.
I just put$113 in my van today. At the time Ithought that was the most I'd ever put in it, but, what the hell, what could I do.

stevo2, Nov 24, 2:44am
$160.9 at shell, $161.9 at BP here in Tauranga. Was in Rotorua on Tuesday night and it was $145.9.

romulan7, Nov 24, 1:03pm
I get notified of any price changes trough our fuel card company.Since November 12th the price notification of the Diesel price Nationally has increased from 149.9 - 161.9 one thing people forget when they compare Diesel to the price of petrol is that Diesel is not just effected by the Exchange rate/Oil price as much as petrol.
Diesel is effected by seasonal influences as well and that is the Stockpiling of Heavy fuel for the winter months in the Northern Hemsphere.
Feels like a bit of a kick in the teeth after the months of stable fuel pricing and gradual falls in diesel prices.

Funny how started a thread in general on Tuesday and it took a while to get bites.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 24, 3:21pm
Generalizations argh!
Do the math properly, with common rail diesels being so economical this is not always true at all. I still think our RUC system etc needs sorting but Diesel is still viable for lots of vehicles.
You have completely forgotten that modern common rail diesels are sometimes twice as efficient as the equivilent diesel of 15 years ago.Plus with 45'000km/1 year service intervals with 5 litres of oil and a sensibly priced filter there are a lot of factors which count toward Diesel costs being lower.
Mostly its just people stuck in the past trying to run silly old Japanese Diesels that are losing out. Its ALWAYS worth assessing the situation properly and not just generalizing.

mrfxit, Nov 24, 3:24pm
Ummmm. my silly old diesel has only cost me (including purchase price) around $2.1k including repairs in the last 2 years
Not going to get much of a modern common rail diesel vehicle for that

mrfxit, Nov 24, 3:25pm
Yes would LOVE an update for many reasons but thats simply not going to happen easily

chris_051, Nov 24, 4:20pm
Jazz, just had a read of the latest nz autocar, Ecoboost Mondeo makes the tdi version redundant by on paper specs, diesel like torque curve with turbo petrol power and only uses 2l/100km more. I'd guess the VWs are the same! I know what I'd be choosing if it were my money. Or are you aiming your post at mediocre overrated asian shitboxes with 1990s power and fuel Econ standards.

romulan7, Nov 24, 4:21pm
I thought like that until I did some maths and purchased a Diesel version of the same make as the petrol we have.

After crunching numbers and getting a rough idea of the fuel consumption for the daily grind compared to the petrol.Then taking into consideration the extra 35c per day licence and RUCs plus servicing (I do servicing myself) the cost even with this jump still save around 5cents per kilometre.Big wow I hear!but over 100kms thats $5 for me thats a per day saving!
Only thing I do miss is on the big hills losing that power going up them with the non turbo I have.
Small price to pay for extra $30 bucks in the pocket per week.

dagon1, Nov 24, 4:28pm
just went to pak n save and 91 was $2 and 95 was $2.12 is there always a 12cent diff between them 2! i thought is was only like 8censt

toot5, Nov 24, 4:39pm
we went on hoilday last week,bottom of the south and seen diesil prices from 1.55 to 1.74.9 in wanaka

romulan7, Nov 24, 5:39pm
Given those figures you just said are below the national average price your on a winner and probably a higher retail discount at the pump.There is nothing preventing a price differance between the two grades being larger or smaller.

dagon1, Nov 24, 5:45pm
i thought it was wrong at fist until i was at the pump but yeah 1st time i have noticed a 12cent diff between them maybe it has before but never noticed it.so palmy has some cheap fuel at the moment !

romulan7, Nov 24, 5:48pm
Local variations that $1.55 last week would have been a nationally set price.Price in Wanaka factors in distribution cost.

Its a pain when you buy a bulk fuel load you pay the price on the day, even though your going to use it anyways you notice these little price shocks that spoil you projected calculations on fuel costs.

romulan7, Nov 24, 5:51pm
Another posibility is they may have accepted a load of 98 instead!That happens on occassions when the distribution terminal wants to make room for a new delivery.Nothing illegal about putting a higher grade in the tanks.

thejazzpianoma, Nov 24, 5:57pm
Possibly not, and diesel isn't for everyone. If you are only spending $1000 on running costs a year you can't be doing many km's.
Sometimes (not in your case) its worth doing the math though even if you don't have much to spend. If for instance it was a suitable vehicle and you were doing enough km's it might be economical to get a $4500 Diesel Multipla if the math says you would pay off the extra couple of grand quick enough in savings.
Its always worth grabbing a calculator.

thejazzpianoma, Apr 7, 10:43am
Depends on the the vehicle and how its being used. If you needed a medium/big wagon and were mainly knocking around the burbs and in town doing school pickups etc then Diesel is often still the way to go by quite a margin. You are quite right though in that it can fall either way, certainly for most people the 1.3 Diesel Grand Punto is not really going to represent a saving over the small petrol one.

That said though, the Diesel option nowadays is sometimes the better engine in terms of performance. I like the VW Golf Diesel with DSG better than the 1.4 turbo/supercharger. The Diesel makes for even smoother gear changes. I would have the Diesel Golf even if it cost me slightly more to run than the petrol (assuming no premium on the purchase price).

Also, its not todays price of fuel we should necessarily worry about, the Diesel will usually become the more economical option as both petrol/diesel fuel costs rise. Given the state of the world at the moment we could easily see periods of $3.00 or $4.000 a liter fuel and thats when Diesel may be the winner.

Depending on what it is, if both cars cost me the same per year to run and the same to buy, right now I would not necessarily be rushing to buy the petrol.

If I had the time I would run some numbers for you but sadly I have to rush. Great thread!