stopped working , both rise alittle then stop, also car has trouble to start . starts then stops about 3 times then runs fine also noticed aircond controls not 100% working right. All this happened at click of finger . went to neighbours in it. left home fine but when to leave there place all this started
Nov 25, 12:10pm
Hey mate , yas not going to get a quick fix in here but maybe a few ideas , just take it into an auto electrical workshop to sort it.
Nov 25, 12:32pm
some character faults with your model ,To check the obvious , first relays ,voltageregulator/stabilizer unit near dash cluster /dry solder / top ofthe ecu near battery often people lean on it gawking into engine bay , damage to the plug in /bond terminals/as for the aircon side /temp related , who knows!or some have fitted driving lightsextra to more probsadded,a good sparky should go straight to it , good luck with it. ps , google is your friend ;) the diagnostic codes would prob only point to a system in question only not a specific fault , with from what you have briefly described.
Nov 25, 4:40pm
Cheers, yeaI knowlong shot just thought someone may have had same prob. We have had it from new and has been awsum car.
Nov 26, 2:03am
From new ! the least ya do is take it into Black Well seei told you so ;)
Nov 26, 2:05am
Let the moths outa ya wallet k It's not free antivirius that ya car is running on :)
Nov 27, 12:10am
i have 92 calias, same prob, from time to time both fuel and temp gauges stay at bottom of dial, a tap on the clear plastic above each gauge sometimes will make them move,reading on aussie forums common prob, due to solder on wires on back of gauges!
Nov 27, 12:23am
yep my 94 ss does it. The temp goes right up to hot then goes back down to where it should be . I shat my self the first time it happened was just driving along and just happened to look down and thought that looks a little high. Then it was in the red i pulled over and checked it and was fine. it does it quite offten
Nov 27, 2:35pm
lol must be common. my 96 SS did the same, temp went thru the roof then back down. checked but it was not overheating.
Nov 27, 4:21pm
kiwicon wrote: lol must be common. my 96 SS did the same, temp went thru the roof then back down. checked but it was not overheating.[/quote Probablya "normal" thing as the rise in temperature before the thermostat opens circulating a slightly coolercoolantthererby bringing the temp backto normal.or air /aeration(sp) in the system possibly untill a full flow happens.The sticky gauge thing is another issue , the aussie forums cover that topic well.
Nov 27, 5:05pm
not after 1/2hr driving.
Nov 27, 6:10pm
Temp sensor or the sender ,both near thethermostat .Fit new thermostat as well, check or replace with new .
Nov 27, 6:36pm
The temp needle sticky prob, where the needle sometimes dosn't move or rises & stops below normal, The other prob rising very hot & dropping back are apparently two different fixes , I know this from the last 3 commodores I had&the ones ive worked on, good luck
Dec 2, 2:43am
fixed ! module crapped its self, does temp gauge/fuel and rely for starter motor hence the intermittent working starter, took GM agent 3days to fine
Dec 2, 2:53am
3 days at say $70 an hour or so! OUCH. Thats like,um err wheres the calculator. alot.
Dec 2, 12:10pm
Cheers for the feed back , 3 days! Cumulative timeor actualproductive time.Interesting find though!
Dec 2, 12:17pm
Hey Gunhand, come on over to the darkside, you too could spend great hair pulling time looking for this type of fault. You know you want too lol
Dec 2, 2:54pm
Thats why we have smart people like you who find these faults quickly, not 3 days.
Dec 3, 11:26am
had car for 3 days, not worked totally on for 3days, done fair but of phoning and asking.they were thing of dropping trans to check flex plate, thank god they didnt . Who do you work for Gunhand!
Nov 25, 12:10pm
Hey mate , yas not going to get a quick fix in here but maybe a few ideas , just take it into an auto electrical workshop to sort it. first check number 7 fuse in fuse box (corrosion).
Nov 25, 12:32pm
some character faults with your model ,To check the obvious ,the battery is ok& alternator doing its job thenrelays ,voltageregulator/stabilizer unit near dash cluster /dry solder / top ofthe ecu near battery often people lean on it gawking into engine bay , damage to the plug in /bond terminals/as for the aircon side /temp related , who knows!or some have fitted driving lightsextra to more probsadded,a good sparky should go straight to it , good luck with it. ps , google is your friend ;) the diagnostic codes would prob only point to a system in question only not a specific fault , with from what you have briefly described.
Nov 27, 6:10pm
Temp sensor or the sender ,both near thethermostat .Fit new thermostat as well, check or replace with new . Before going to the dry solder at panel.In fact while on cooling , check water pump flow , reverse flush system (garden hose is ok) , service & condition,fit inhibitor /antifreeze,most of any problems are picked up in the basic service. or the service averts other potential the aussie Holden forums that may help , iftaking it to a service centre is out the question, cheers
Nov 27, 6:36pm
The temp needle sticky prob, where the needle sometimes dosn't move or rises & stops below normal, The other prob rising very hot & dropping back are apparently two different fixes , I know this from the last 3 commodores I had&the ones ive worked on,The OPs carneeds a bit more attention an automotive workshopfor a proper fix good luck
Dec 2, 12:10pm
Cheers for the feed back Mnstr , 3 days! Cumulative timeor actualproductive time.Interesting find though!
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