Toyota Harrier 3ltr

ems987, Nov 25, 11:58pm
any info on this please
what they like on gass!

a.woodrow, Nov 26, 12:34am
They are fairly thirsty, transmissions can be an issue in older models and expensive to fix. can't really say much more without more specific vehicle details

ems987, Nov 27, 12:12pm
Listing #: 420640082

geedubu, Nov 27, 7:02pm
I have had one for 2 or 3 years; bought it off trademe with 160,000 on the clock but one nz owner & well-serviced.Excellent vehicle, extremely comfortable & well-equipped.It has given me no trouble at all & has been very useful.They are a bit heavy on the gas but no worse than any other SUV, and I believe the transmission weakness may be true (mine had had a transmission rebuild at some time before I bought it).But they are a LOT of luxury for not much money these days & as a Lexus, very well-built.I would buy another one.

ems987, Nov 27, 12:12pm
or Listing #: 418325297