Smal diesel RUC ripoff.

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mrfxit, Jan 22, 8:51pm
Either way . I still pay $417 for my Surf

illusion_, Jan 22, 9:05pm
exactly . cos it is a passenger CAR

franc123, Jan 22, 9:13pm
Wrong. Read PW's post above, as I already said a Hilux ute is more expensive to licence than a Surf, regardless of what it is used for.

afer_daily, Jan 22, 9:18pm
my 69nissan patrol$111 a year / na na na na .

mrfxit, Jan 22, 9:32pm
Oh . please tell!

& I would suspect you're simply not being fair.

mrfxit, Jan 22, 9:34pm
Mmmm so if I take the canopy OFF my surf, therefor making it a Utility, I will have to pay a higher licence fee.

franc123, Jan 22, 9:36pm
Only if you reclassified it as a goods vehicle :)Oh and the old Patrol gets it cheap because its over 40.

mrfxit, Jan 22, 9:37pm
Look . Theres a far easier & far clearer way to resolve this crub licence bull$hit
Ring the NZTA & give them YOUR reg plate #.

mrfxit, Jan 22, 9:39pm
#1: yea like I am going to do THAT

SEE . !
Told you he was cheating ;-)

franc123, Jan 22, 9:45pm
Why not!It would make a more useful vehicle out of it, and everyone else would appreciate your increased donation to the ACC money pit.While you're at it drop in a 1KZ-TE so you won't hold us up on the road anymore :)

mrfxit, Jan 22, 10:00pm
"It would make a more useful vehicle out of it" . = not for me.

"everyone else would appreciate your increased donation to the ACC money pit". . = You're very welcome to help pay for the nimrods that cause most of the accidents in faster vehicles

"While you're at it drop in a 1KZ-TE so you won't hold us up on the road anymore" . = Would cost me more to run feeding that bugger & theres plenty of slower drivers in faster performing vehicles around that get in my way as it is.

net_oz, Jan 22, 1:01pm
RUCs are cheap.
Have just renewed my motor vehicle licence for 12 months and it was $596.78 for a '96 Nissan Navara.
ACC levy was $467.08.