EL Ford dash lights staying on

sandyelmo, Nov 29, 7:59pm
I have just recently replaced my motor and trans in my el wagon and now my abs and airbag lights wont go off, they arn't flashing or anything they are just staying on all the time,
any suggestions!

mellisa2000, Nov 30, 3:08am
Beside the obvious, Looms plugged in fuses ok, not sure on this one. There must be something overlooked. For Airbag light, check reverse fuse, then you will need to clear codes. Have you tried to clear codes, or disconnect the battery!

sandyelmo, Dec 2, 6:37pm
I have tried earthing pins to clear codes but nothing and i have disconnected battery for half hour, i will check the reverse fuse now,

kazbanz, Apr 26, 5:59am
If ya replaced engine/tranz then thats where I'd be looking.--Ie for munched wires around that area