Hi there.I have a 1999 Y11 Nissan Wingroad (1500cc manual wagon) with very soft back suspension.It just passed a warrant at VTNZ today so I don't think the shocks can be buggered.Looking under there it has very light rear coil springs in it - so I think it is just designed to be soft.I need to stiffen it up as it is too soft for my liking.New springs!Any other ways of stiffening it!I guess being coil springs it would be very easy to replace them.I am envisaging holding the car on two axle stands, unbolting the shocks, dropping the axle down and the springs would pretty much fall out!Do I need spring compressors or anything!Any advice much appreciated.I am not scared of working on cars so am confident I can do it myself,but as much advice as possible is always good.CHeers, Ken
Feb 1, 9:00pm
I pretty sure they only check the shocks for leakage so they may still be stuffed.
Please correct me if I am wrong as I dont have my AVI but that would be my first port of call
Feb 1, 9:08pm
The shocks will be unserviceable. Get new ones fitted.
Feb 1, 9:09pm
Yeh I was thinking if I have the axle dropped I would put new shocks in there anyway.probably worth it :)
Feb 1, 9:13pm
hahaha. change them
Feb 1, 10:38pm
If you own a set of axle stands, you are almost certainly a better amateur mechanic than me already. But here's 2c:
Is the suspension soft enough that you can lean on the bumper and push the back end of the car down on its suspension with your hands!
Push it down as hard as you can, then let go. it should rebound straight back up and stop immediately at the normal ride height, if the shocks are good. If it goes up, and shows any signs of bouncing back down again, shocks are probably buggered.
Feb 1, 11:42pm
yeh it bounces a little - not much, but still if I am putting new springs in there I will put some new shocks in I think.Thanks for the tip - I remember now somebody told me that years ago. but I forgot haha
Feb 1, 11:56pm
We had one of these with an "off road" setting for the rear suspension. Check to see if that is fitted and turned off. Basically it allows the rear suspension to follow the contours of uneven ground but is a pain while driving on the road as the rear sways around.
Feb 2, 12:28am
was it a switch or something!Where / how did you turn it off!
Feb 2, 12:50am
Hi Springs hold the car up shock controls the weight and springs. I can help you with new shocks or springs, will do a mint deal, Cheers Chris
Feb 2, 1:10am
all of those nissans (N14 and N15 models) are notorious for having soft rear suspension. its the most common problem with them along with dodgy electric windows afm faults and CV joints. they were on the soft side from new and just get worse. replace them with some gas shocks.
Feb 2, 2:15am
One of the pulsars we have here is the opposite, hard has a rock n15. Factory springs and shocks also so I would not say it is always the case. The rear is hard.
Feb 2, 2:48am
Heck yes it has an electric window problem too lol.What is AFM!CV joints good atm fortunately.
Feb 2, 5:51am
Soft suspension!
Have a look at the bushes. often they wear and give that squashy feeling, especially if the suspension arm mount link is worn
Feb 2, 12:57pm
Mine is OK until I put any weight in the back, then it just sinks - could that still be bushes!I remember when I had a Triumph I put new bushes in which made it ride better, but still had to put air shocks in it.
Mar 4, 10:50am
the jap import pulsars/wingroads have a different air flow meter to the NZ new ones and they are prone to failing.This causes the car to use LOADS of fuel and generally run like rubbish. the CV joint boots on them are also pretty rubbish and split letting out all the grease, and thenthe joint fails.
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