Toyota mr2 3sge help

hollyshaw, Dec 11, 11:09pm

NZTools, Dec 12, 1:02am
Engine temp sensor! Not the one for the temp gauge, but the one to tell the ecu how much to enrich the fuel mixture.

pup2, Dec 12, 1:06am
check some more vac lines, are they in the right spots! Pull the plugs and check what sort of spark you have!

andrewph, Dec 12, 1:34am
Try finding the diagnosis box in the engine bay I think its on one of the shock towers its a small grey box with a foldback lid. Connect terminals TE1 to E1 turn the ignition on and dont start the motor and with the aircon turned off. look at the engine light on the dash. It will flash a code for example 3 flashes then a space then 2 flashesthats code 32 . then it will flash another code, if it has a 2nd fault or repeat the first one. then look it up on the net.

hollyshaw, Dec 12, 3:15am
cool thanks, will check that tomorrow.

pollymay, Dec 12, 4:29am
Do what andrewph said. Throwing parts at it is hit or miss. Could be a dead injector, condensation killed the map sensor or a hole in the map sensor tube but I'm only speculating.

ginga4lyfe, Dec 12, 4:29am
the lambda sensor on those are prone to failure, get a new one and hopefully alot of the problems will go away

ginga4lyfe, Dec 12, 6:19am
also, it kinda sounds like you have a vacuum leak some were

gadgit3, Dec 12, 12:08pm
Temp sensor temp sensor temp sensor. oh also check the temp sensor. common fault and you just described all the syntoms

hollyshaw, Dec 13, 12:59am
Hello, currently the O/D light doesn't work and in the autos this flashes when you are checking for codes. I've checked the bulb on the dash, then check the switch on the shifter, broken, connected another shifter stork up to it, still no light!

hollyshaw, Dec 13, 1:00am
I swapped that a while ago when i was first having problems,will double check that though, thanks.

hollyshaw, Dec 13, 1:17am
could it be the knock sensor playing up!

thunderbolt, Dec 13, 1:19am
Can anyone confirm this! Every toyota I have seen has a red check engine light which flashes.

gadgit3, Dec 13, 2:52am
Which temp sensor did you change! there are three on that engine one for the gauge in the dash one for the ECU and one to switch the fans on. If you changed all three then I'll let this one rest but I'm betting you only played with one of the three.

gadgit3, Jun 1, 10:07am
No the O/D light will only flash for fault codes in the auto trans. the engine light will flash for engine codes.