Small block = small penis. Big block = even smaller penis.
Better go, I can hear a herd of V8 boys approaching.
Feb 2, 11:29pm
Yip fair call shoud of just googled it, sorry to bother
Feb 2, 11:30pm
The reason is I have a mint VK I want to do it up as a project and was wondering which way to go considering Im not made of money.
Feb 2, 11:36pm
Fageddaboudit, discussions and different peoples' ideas and off the top of the head knowledge is one of the reasons I like to hang out in here. There are no stupid questions, only stupid people. Homer.
Feb 2, 11:37pm
Getting kinda deep there.
Feb 2, 11:39pm
Well yes, lets face it, why have the boards if everything is available on google! Answer cos real peoples advice is always better IMO
Feb 2, 11:43pm
Thing is I am the second owner of the VK, I brought it when I was an apprentice in 1990, it was my pride and joy and it got stolen and recovered. I brought it back and got it back on the road. It has sentimental value and I want to do it up nice. Just wanted some opinion on which way to go.
Feb 2, 11:45pm
308what kinda boxs are avail these days! I remember cilica boxswere all the reage years back.
Feb 2, 11:48pm
Going with an engine that bolts straight in makes sense, like Titco said. Maybe SBC will go straight in too, anybody! Big blocks belong in big cars and trucks.
Feb 2, 11:50pm
Gen 3 and T56 6 speed. They fit and CRS do a adapter kit
Feb 2, 11:51pm
A Celica box will do the job behind a 308 as long as it's not making huge HP. Some claim you need a W55 but I had a W50 behind a HP327 for a while and it never broke.
Feb 2, 11:52pm
Personal experience says that a small block will be so much easier and it will be more rewarding to drive, if you just want a nice streeter. Either way good luck, in the end of the day you and you alone will be the one who has to like it the most!
Feb 2, 11:55pm
Yes I def will focus more on having it nice to drive over massive HP, I mean I want it to get up and go, but not ever going to race it or anything.
Feb 3, 12:02am
Go for an LS1
Feb 3, 12:18am
Those commodores with the 308 still had the old trimatic from memory if it was factory, I would suggest keeping it origonal, but if you do want to go chevy, you will use a small block
Feb 3, 12:22am
Thanks Petermcg, It came out with a factory manual 5 speed box. Have been told this would not last behind a v8 though.
Feb 3, 12:37am
im for the rb conversion b cheaper but ballsy as still
Feb 3, 12:38am
Wont that just make it a VL!with an old front!
Feb 3, 12:43am
nah be a vk with an rb
Feb 3, 12:44am
So I assume it is currently a 202! You could always be radical and keep the 202, just get a good head, cam, extractors & carb to suit (unless it is already injected!). Although I must admit nothing beats the sound and feel of a V8 (to me at least, not wanting to start a 4 vs 6 vs 8 argument here!). If you go the V8 route, you would have to get cert, change gearbox, probably driveshaft & diff also. If it's currently a 1900cc then thats another story.
Feb 3, 12:46am
It got the 202 black motor in it now
Feb 3, 12:48am
either way it would have to be certed no matter what you put in it bout a rb26dett
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