308 into a VL Commodore

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kinger3, Dec 14, 1:11am
Managed to pickup a streight "rust free" VL of a cow cocky lastweek. Looking at repowering it with a 308. Does anyone know of a website that has this process from start to finish! Need info on the conversion and what to use gearbox wise, I read someone used a 6 speed Altezza box, Or if youve done this conversion fill me in .

Thanks Steve

mugenb20b, Dec 14, 1:17am
So, it's not rust free!

mk3zephyr, Dec 14, 1:21am
VL's came out with a 308 V8 (along with that neesan engine), so a conversion should be pretty straight forward.

superdave0_13, Dec 14, 1:34am
probably not streight either!

offrd1, Dec 14, 1:46am
Wht the smart arse.

kinger3, Dec 14, 1:58am
its a 87 thats been sitting in a paddock for god knows how long so no not 100% rust free but under the boot rubber and around the windscreen has only just started to bubble, around the sunroof is mint along with the spare tirewell and sills. For something that was going to the scrap man its in pretty good cond. Cheers mk3zephyr I had heard that, it did have the rb30 in it

franc123, Dec 14, 2:11am
Unless you've got plans for a "warm" 308 why not just leave the RB30 in there!You don't want to transplant a stock VL spec 5.0L, it was a 122KW carburettored boat anchor detuned for 91 fuel that even Peter Brock was embarrassed about at the time.Good standard VL's are getting pretty hard to get, tidy and unmolested 3.0L ones especially will be a good future investment IMO.

schultzie, Dec 14, 2:24am
Don't be fooled by just a couple paint bubbles. Its ten times worse underneth. These older commos are prone to rusting out the ass first. Look closely around the rear cowel & screen. Also the seam that stitches the boot floor to the rear beaver panel. As per your original question. Piss easy switch. The only bastard about the VL is it shares bits from both the 1st & 2nd gen commos so in order to pillage parts from other cars you need both

kinger3, Dec 14, 2:25am
The rb30 and gearbox have been taking out. I have a cobber with a 308 in a VH and thats got me wanting one and when I came across the VL I thought may aswell give it a go.

kinger3, Dec 14, 2:27am
Everything will be stripped out, windows ect for sandblasting. On first inspection its a tidy stock standard vl

schultzie, Dec 14, 2:31am
ive got exactly that myself

kinger3, Dec 14, 2:32am
Good fun aye :-)

schultzie, Dec 14, 2:34am
wouldn't know.havn't driven it yet. In progress still

patiki1, Dec 14, 3:21am
6 speed Altezza box never herd that one.I have a t56 in my vl that costed me around 6 grand.A T5 would be your best bet as long as you aren't a burn out king.There's a nice motor on TM in nelson.

nzemale, Dec 14, 3:25am
Why worry about a 308! Ditch that boat anchor and put in a GM350 or bigger - if not, you will soon be sick of getting smoked by rice cutters with the 308.

mram, Dec 14, 3:34am
Doubt it a decent 308 will still cut it with the ricers,l34 or better heads,10:1 and a decent cam,more than enough to have a s*&t load of fun in a vl,especially with a manual box.I think you have to replace the K member to the v8 one,spend some money on the braking department,then you'll have to do something with with the diff,VL 3.0 was a 3.45:1 ratio,good with a 5 speed,but might be a bit weak,think they were a 2 pinion jobby,I remember someone saying you could use falcon 4 pinion components(Borg warner)

schultzie, Dec 14, 12:33pm
An altezza box! In a commodore! Never heard that before. 308 isstill good if you warm it up with some go go bits although they are getting on now. You'd be better getting hands on the 304 along with the x-member from vl-vp which has a stronger block & better heads. Box wise a supra conversion is common along with the T5. Both these would suffice with mild motors but dont like clutch dumps. If laying tracks is your style then TKO, T56 or the supra R-154 all which are hell expensive. Diff wise the borgwarner is fine. Keep the vl diff but switch the carrier out for the 4 pinion. The axles are the pinch point as they are only 25spline. Idealy need 28 if you want serious grunt. Only way to get em is finding original vl turbo/v8 axles(Good luck) or importing billet ones from aus or cutting down VN ones. Some swap the whole diff with the VN but its 40mm wider & this prevents you getting wider rims due to tyre rub

schultzie, Dec 14, 12:53pm
How long did you spend with a sledgy to bash out the trans tunnel to fit that in!

hatchback, Dec 14, 12:57pm
Ok kinger3, In my VC I have a VN diff (bolts straight in) VN front X-member and struts that way you get P/S, just got to mickey mouse th VN steering coloum mount. As scultzie says, use the 304 X-member, everything just bolts straight in. Why not use the 304 and T700 auto.
My VC has VN V6 and T5 but I also have two V6 VP autos and they go well.

bubbles244, Dec 14, 12:59pm
If it is the time spent with your daughter building the car you value, why not make the car itself of some value.

put the 308 in it (albeit warmed up alot) redo the suspension so it rides a little lower and stiffer, some nice wide feet and a group A kit.

cover it with a little champagne silver and call it a replica.

the Vl wasn't the greatest looking car on the planet but sure stood out once fitted up with a HDT or TWR kit

patiki1, Dec 14, 1:01pm
If i was starting from scratch i would put a chevy in.They are way cheaper and you have no limit to power.For an early holden Alloy heads yt dash 3 is around 4 grand,torque power or harrop manifolds around $1400 the roller rockers i have in my car are over a grand.The only good cheap stuff for a holden rebuild is putting as much chevy stuff as you can(or american built stuff).

NZTools, Dec 14, 6:38pm
Ever tried to fit a small block shev into an early commodore! it's a bloody nightmare, that means compromise after compromise. The starter motor doesnt fit, and has to be mounted on the left hand side where the oil filter used to sit, (and it ALLWAYS comes lose). You can only fit the tiniest oil pump available, as it sits right on top of the crossmeber, and even then yuo will still have to run an A9X bonnet scoop or you cant close the bonnet, unless you put spacers between the suspension mounts and the body. Its a shit of an idea.

elect70, Dec 14, 7:25pm
If you see rust bubbles around the edge of windscreen there is major rust under neath it . If ever replace thescreen you will find its eaten away themetal lip & needs to be rebuilt up . On my Vl they wouldnt replace broken screen until it had been done .They also rot in the well in the corners of thewell under the bonnet hinges

joanie32, Dec 14, 9:39pm
starter clears if not P/Steer. Otherwise remote oilfiler iseasy. Had 350VB and VC. neither had bonnet scoop. Definately not the hardest of conversions

lordv81, Dec 15, 12:01am
Putting the 308/304 into a vl ,use a vl v8,vn v8 or a vk 6cyl cross member,make sure you have a 308 with the commy sump and pick up.Keep the vl diff and get 3.08 gears fitted {article on BW diffs in street machine october issue} or get a vk 1/2 or vl v8 diff with the correct ratio.Borg warners will handle medium power,more than the salisbury 10 bolts.Vk-VL wagons and VNs have wider diffs.You will need shifter,exhaust,driveshaft,fue-
l lines or regulator if using vl pump,radiator,and alternator and power steering brackets {depending on what set up you decide on.Might be cheaper to buy a tidy going VL already on the road.

OR put the RB30 back in with a manual behind it and a good exhaust system.