HI all, I was looking at a performance chip for my pre common rail 2002 Rodeo 3.0,seem to be very expensive-$1200-1600,is it worth it for the power gains,the extra power wouldn't go astray.
Dec 14, 2:17am
Power gains are always worth it, but up to you if it's worth the $1200. I say try it.
Dec 14, 2:06pm
OK - I'll bite. Given that a "performance chip" (in a petrol engine) makes changes to engine mapping, altering ignition timing and injection, (perhaps to also take advantage of or "tune" the engine to larger injectors, modified exhaust etc) what's a "performance chip" going to be able to do on a mechanically injected diesel!Are you sure it isn't a con!It sounds like one to me. I'd have thought that if you wanted more power, then injector pump and injectors can be tweaked, modified, or replaced, and/or turbo could be upgraded, but this is something you don't try yourself at home unless you've got some good knowledge of diesels, and the gear to set it up and test it.
For CRD, yep, there are a few things that a "chip" can adjust, but I'd be very wary of using one anyway, as if what's achieved the power increase results in higher egts, the extra power might come at the eventual high cost of self-destructing pistons and cylinder heads, much the same result as from inexpertly "hotting up" a mechanically injected diesel .
Dec 14, 2:56pm
I'm with you on that one, I can't see how you could "chip" mechanical injection.
Dec 14, 3:25pm
Hold on a mo. He said "Pre common rail" . not pre computer controlled injection
Not familiar with the Rodeo's but even Toyota had left mechanical injector pumps behind for 12 years before this model Rodeo
Dec 14, 3:30pm
Extractor exhaust system Rebuilt or slightly larger injectors & or turbo depending on current condition of those 2 items AND the engine .>> THEN look at the viability of chipping it.
Chipping works well for current models (ANY brand) & even better with a bit of mechanical tweaking before fitting the chip (& tuning)
Dec 14, 3:43pm
chip tuning only works noticable with engine that are turbo charged and even more power = where the charger is electronic controlled like vtg volkswagen from 1996 onwards tdi with 110bhp have variable gate charger 90hp model from 96 dont with GM you would have to look it up online research somone is bound to have added a chip . they do exist even for toyota hilux with 2L-te engine but are of no much use compaird what the chip and instalation will cost. E stands for electronic on the toyota engine number above
Dec 14, 3:58pm
Better off asking these guys about what you need to know about chipping http://www.dpchip.com/
Dec 14, 4:16pm
Ok - my brain f@rt - partly.These are still mechanically injected , even if pump timing/pressures have electronic control, injectors are set. It's also a direct injection turbo engine. I wouldn't expect a "chip" to be able to do much to increase power, without risk of damaging the engine.
Dec 14, 4:22pm
Its a bosch VP44 pump, as found in navaras,dodges,cruisers,etc and lot of similar period euro cars.most of them boast an increase from 96kw to 115odd kw and torque up impressively some 30-40%,made a bit lower too
Dec 14, 4:32pm
Thanks mrfxit, DP chips have what Im looking for!
Dec 14, 4:35pm
Try NZ Performance Tuning or Chiptuning.co.nz. Ironically you get better power and torque improvement from a chipped turbo diesel (mechanical injection pump) than turbo petrol.(40% increase they claim). Google it.go read about it. There are millions of chipped diesels around.
Dec 14, 4:35pm
And do people doing this actually measure egts - or just hope she'll be right!
Dec 14, 4:39pm
Thats true,a pyrometer would be a wise investment,sure cheaper than a melted piston.
Dec 14, 4:55pm
So add perhaps $400 to the OP's cost. Perhaps it's worth it for the OP's 4wd. I'm very very very dubious about the idea of chipping new CRDs.There's such huge competition between makers to extract as much torque as possible, Nissan for example uses the torque spec for their CRDs as the main advertising badge plastered all over their utes. If there wasn't a significant downside risk to doing something as simple as whacking a "performance" chip in, then the auto makers would be doing it anyway.Okay - they might be somewhat hindered by the need to also keep emissions down and fuel economy figures up, but tied into all this are expensive and complex dpf systems etc etc.Something expensive is almost bound to break. If you want more power, trading in for a different model with more power may bethe best option.
Dec 14, 5:41pm
i have applied a pick a back system toa 3.0turbo rodeo, 02, abou 20% more power and 20%better economy,i tow a 5th wheel camperand it gives me a bit more wick on hills, purchased2nd hand off the net for under $400,,
Dec 14, 6:13pm
Most diesels are built with a whole lot left in reserve. Even tractors for example, can be chipped with very noticable results. (chips are supplied by the tractor dealership and dont effect the factory warranty).
Hell most tractors automaticly boost the hp by 25 to 35% as soon as you put the PTO in gear these days.
Dec 14, 6:57pm
When the market is driven by performance/economy, and the maker (rather than the owner) has liability for mechanical failure for the first few years of ownership, I'm really struggling to believe that on balance (performance:economy:reliabili- ty and duty cycle) that there's any reason for them to leave anything much in reserve at all. OK - if the manufacturer's warranty isn't compromised, then perhaps and just perhaps. But I'd be reading the fine print very closely.
Dec 14, 11:20pm
just remember every action has a equal reaction, if you add more power to the standard engine and drive train you may end up shelling out for expensive repairs to engine drive train etc
Jun 6, 6:44pm
Actually Audi do offer chipped cars pre-delivery and covered by full warranty (MTM) BMW do the same I think. I know cos I had a chipped 1.8T which was 212HP up from the standard 150 odd HP. Went pretty well too. Never had an issue but stay with your standard setups by all means.
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