Do Police drive Hondas!

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mcscottwgtn, Feb 6, 4:11pm
Is this motor a Honda! Thought Honda don't do fleet deals, being their point of difference.
Thought they only drive Holdens, Fords, and the odd Nissan Maxima (as seen on telly).

pandai, Feb 6, 4:13pm
I saw that article and thought the same thing.Doesn't look like a Honda to me

mcscottwgtn, Feb 6, 4:13pm
I looked at the picture before reading anything and thought it might be a Mazda 6.

jono2912, Feb 6, 4:59pm
That badge looked like Mazda

cocabowla, Feb 6, 4:59pm
yes, you can see the mazda badge with the bird like logo where as honda have the big H. photographer obviously got back to office and since they hadnt taken note took a guess as to what it was, seems to be rather commonplace in newsprint media nowadays

mcscottwgtn, Feb 6, 6:19pm
Some cars you know you don't have to slow down around - if you were travelling slightly faster than the posted open road limit. These cars are Commodores, Falcons, and the odd Maxima. Old heaps like imports are not going to be cop cars.

johnf_456, Feb 6, 6:33pm
Remember some are even advanced paramedics, a lot are stjohn vehicles with no stjohn branding on the doors but have the lights in the usual spots. Their uniform" kind of "looks like a cop from a distance

jcwholesale, Feb 6, 6:42pm
Yes they do have v6 Honda Accords, as I was pinged by one just north of Franz Joseph

foxdonut, Feb 6, 10:47pm
The police can drive any car that they have a budget for, but I'd hazard a guess that the can't use them for pursuit or certain police activities. There will be a few assets for surveillance in most centers for when a poverty spec commodore with standard wheels and an LPG sticker won't cut it. In Wellington I've seen Mondeo's, Skylines and I think even some semi-riced Honda Integra.

thejazzpianoma, Feb 7, 12:03am
I don't know why we don't use Diesels like in Europe. I would like to see a figures comparison on the running costs. I think its important to get cops moving with the traffic again so they can pick up a range of bad driving instead of being encouraged to sit as much as possible like they do at the moment. This of course is done to save costs.

When you consider that the RUC costs just do the loop back to the taxpayer the actual real cost of running a modern Diesel surely makes a lot of sense.

im_andrew, Feb 7, 12:07am
It just looks like a VE commo to me, the shapew of the grille, positioning of the bar and the badge and the shape of the headlight all look like a VE.

im_andrew, Feb 7, 12:10am
Also, check the center cap on the wheel. Never seen a honda with center caps on 5 stud steelies like that.

neo_psy, Feb 7, 12:47am
Yeah - it's a VE - maybe the reporter's shorthand for "Holden" looked like "Honda"

socram, Feb 7, 1:37am
We seem to have a glut of under cover police Commodores around the town area at the moment - day time.At least 4 are floating around the area with plain clothed cops and no idea why or where they are based.

redslapper, Feb 7, 1:44am
the police have a range of cars now that are "mufti". seen everything from a subaru WRX to a toyota. I also know someone who is a cop who confermed this, but the photo is definitly a VE commodore +1

mileyfan73, Feb 7, 1:48am
There is also a burgundy Hyundai Sonata around the Marlborough region.

spaceout, Feb 7, 1:55am
Seen a range rover as a camera car

bendean, Feb 7, 2:39am
got pulled up by one of the new toyota camrys nd thats definately a commodore

gilligan2, Feb 7, 3:32am
That there is either a camry or an aurion. not a honda not a mazda and definatley not a commonwhore

gilligan2, Feb 7, 3:38am
Commodores have th badge in the black plastic grill not on a painted part as you can see in the picture.http://4carwallpapers.-

Toyota camry

johnf_456, Feb 7, 3:43am
Could always just obey the laws of the road that way you don't have get wound up.

mellisa2000, Feb 7, 3:55am
Same in Thames area too. Heaps of mufti cars.

im_andrew, Feb 7, 4:36am
But the badge on the crashed cop car isnt on the painted part at all, its on the bar that goes across the grille. The way the light hits it just makes it look like its painted.

hi_lemon, Feb 7, 4:28pm
In Whangarei there's a marked Mitsi Diamante and a mufti Maxima, around West Auckland I've seen a mufti Mazda 6 and an Accord.

jsbike, Feb 7, 4:38pm
look at the wheels, it has to be a holden.