I wasn't there at the time but on Monday some space head came into work looking baked and bought up our entire stock of Fuelite (only about 12 1 litre bottles). Pulled out a wallet with an inch thick wad of hundys to pay for it.One of the boys called the police.Would you have!
Dec 27, 11:49pm
Nope I would not have in this situation. He is a paying customer and how or why he is paying would be irrelevant to me personally.
Dec 27, 11:52pm
Nope same type of prejudice that gets people arrested after ignorant comments are made judging people
How does the other person know or not if that guy just sold his prized vehicle and had the reddies in his wallet after it - I have done that before (not buying the fuellite lol) but walked into a shop after selling a car for $12500 with cash in hand and paid for stuff then left
All i got was jealous looks lol .
Was this guy swiping in mid air saying "No i don't want your ghost barbeque" !
Dec 27, 11:58pm
Haha, no, but living in Northland we know someone who's stoned out of his tree when we see him.
Dec 28, 12:07am
Only because he doesn't stand out.
Dec 28, 12:09am
Now, would I have called the Police. perhaps if he drove there. But I'd expect nothing to come from it anyway.
Dec 28, 12:09am
Wasn't on his way home from Kaikohe Destruction was he lol
Dec 28, 12:13am
If he was he must have been REALLY REALLY stoned.The demo derby is at Easter.
Dec 28, 12:17am
Yea I think I would have let them know, the reason being although it is not my business what someone else does, I feel that society as a whole needs to take responsibility for reducing things like drugs and crime and not just take the "it's not my problem" option
Dec 28, 12:21am
Well said.
Dec 28, 2:18am
In my workplace, ALL sales of fuelite have to be recorded in a ledger, with either a passport or D/L number, rego number, and this form faxed weekly to Police. This applies for quantities of less than 3L of Fuelite. Anything over 3L, and the purchaser must fill out a form including company details (if applicable), address, and intended usage, and this form is to be faxed IMMEDIATELY to Police, so 12L I would think the Police would be extremely interested in.
Dec 28, 2:21am
They were
Dec 28, 2:24am
Good on your colleagues for having some brain gunk.
Dec 28, 3:05am
forgive my ignorance, but what is fuelite used for! And how come I'm the only one that doesnt seem to know!
Dec 28, 3:09am
It's a precursor in the manufacture of methamphetamine. EDIT** Also legitimately used as a cleaner/degreaser
Dec 28, 3:10am
cheers henderson _guy.
Dec 28, 3:12am
How many 20L containers can I put you down for!
Dec 28, 3:19am
dunno, depends, can you drink the stuff!
Dec 28, 3:21am
Sure! **DISCLAIMER** Drinking Fuelite may cause severe hangover symptoms, but nothing worse than your mates homebrew bourbon!
Dec 28, 3:26am
Don't worry, you were not alone on this one
Dec 28, 3:54am
How much for a litre of Fuelite!
Dec 28, 4:12am
fuelite is white spirits for those who are not aware
Dec 28, 4:16am
I thought maybe matches or spark plugs but na, they don't come in bottles so I was going to google it if no-one answered lol.
Dec 28, 4:47am
Gawd, I used to buy it by the gallon.
I used to run my Model A on the stuff - a whole heap cheaper than petrol (no tax), the garage opposite work had a pump for the stuff.
Dec 28, 4:48am
so fuelite is just a brand name!. like it used to be called Shellite from shell, or something like that. Thats like going back to the days petrol stations had kero in the pump.
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