Spell Ford Or Holden

croco1, Sep 3, 8:06am

icemans1, Sep 3, 8:24am
oh FFS unbelievable PMSL thanks for posting

zoltec45, Sep 3, 9:00am
Only on the rock

trader_84, Sep 3, 2:43pm
The same station that reckoned happyfeet had been monstered by a Great White 20m from release point, lol! Spell 'Fhord' . my friggin gawd! I bet he was a Chebby owner, lol!

ryanm2, Sep 3, 2:49pm
Ive pretty convinced that was a set up. Funny though. They had to text ford or holden to enter in the first place.

quickstitch, Sep 3, 3:46pm
yeah, dont believe everything ya hear on the rock. My mate nominated his wife for wind up your wife. The phone call was placed and she handled it calmly without any drama. so they rang her back and told her it was wind up your wife and got her to do a retake with more emotion and drama, swearing etc.

dave653, Sep 3, 7:24pm
Spell. ACDC!

mykl, Sep 3, 7:41pm
Sounds like the first 'Wind up you radio announcer'.

kecal, Sep 3, 9:31pm
txt spelling,what a sad society.

chooken1, Sep 3, 9:39pm
I guess he thought they said 'forward' but what a couple of dumb arses

antwerp87, Sep 3, 9:56pm
im sure it has a w in it. fowrd! fawd!
1 more go please 1 more! fowrd!

crzyhrse, Sep 4, 8:09am
Yep, I heard that one. Just typical.

pollymay, Sep 4, 8:13am
lol wat

chris_051, Sep 4, 4:33pm
I think the fact people belive that these egoistic dickhead radio presenters didn't set this up along with all the other crap on their show is more concerning. Don't believe everything ya hear.

buyme3, Jul 22, 2:14pm
ford or holden