Thats the trouble with traveling by road, you can never predict how your journey will turn outor if you will even get there unfortunatly.
Jan 8, 12:42am
you should have rung 111 and told them what was happening.they would have sent a car out to deal with the fwit once they knew that he was holding you up on the way to the hospital.
Jan 8, 1:02am
Why explain it! - I understood right from the start.
Batting in your team Kaz.
Jan 8, 1:23am
I can't believe the stupidity of people these days. If you have someone come up behind you flashing their lights with the hazards on you move left. Simple!
This is just like the thread about the Doctor who was deliberately delayed with the Police officer. Somehow because it was determined later that the doctor getting there quicker possibly couldn't have saved the patient after all the stupid cop was justified. (by their warped logic)
Why can't people understand balanced risk anymore! A few extra km/h by a sober and experienced driver on a suitable road is next to no risk against someone experiencing a serious medical emergency.
Its so sad that so many have been reduced to brainless PC drones simply repeating the latest heavily advertised mantra.
Jan 8, 1:54am
Off the subject, but a message from me for a few here that matter.
I was booked to fly in that balloon in a few weeks time. Not only me, but er'indoors and our two girls. All at the same time. I had trouble sleeping last night due to it all happening in my mind as if I was there. Those poor bloody people, and their families & friends. That was absolutely horrendous and my sympathies go out to everyone. I think we should understand if they were speeding to get there.
Thanks for letting me share this, it's been a very thoughtful and soul searching couple of days. Not that you had any bloody option.
Jan 8, 2:18am
So we should.but when did you last see this enforced! Then we have the stupid system with our motorways that if you try to abide by this rule, you find yourself in an "exit only" situation and unable to get out if traffic is heavy. All of this adds to the situation that this thread is about.
Aug 24, 2:01pm
Hey guys -lookheres the truth----- Im a bit sleep deprived and worried about mrs kaz. -Just don't tell her. So maybee I'm not thinking entirely logically.Lets not have a scrap when all I was probably doing was blowing off steam
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