Hi all, i have an ST195 4wd caldina with an auto box. it has a persistent shudder from about 110k or higher. wheel alignement and balance is true. have also tried a new set of wheels. it seems to be related to speed and not RPM, so i assume it is drivetrain related. have you any ideas! maybe out of balance driveshaft! worn U joint (is there even a U joint with independent suspension)!
Jan 9, 9:55pm
Inner cv joints can cause shudder under load.
Jan 9, 10:06pm
There is of course the simple answer-Drive at the speed limit. -wsok I'm taking the mickey here but it had to be said
Jan 9, 10:08pm
Being serious - How are you feeling the shudder! By this I mean through the steering wheel. Through the brake pedal. etc.
Jan 9, 10:19pm
When you say it's related to speed, does the frequency increase with speed! If so, it's more likely to be one of your front wheel bearings is on the way out. I have the same car and suspected the bearing for a long time ( the mechanics I took the car to couldn't feel what I was) but eventually it got worse so the wheel bearing was replaced and problem solved.
Jan 9, 10:19pm
haha. i was waiting for that. i guess it like saying there's no need for a 4th or 5th gear cause you can do 100 in 3rd. tsk tsk. back to the problem though. its fairly significant, and felt through the whole car. it is not very consistent, i.e. sometimes it is worse than others, but i have not been able to tie that to anything. the fact that it shakes the whole car makes me feel its something big like a propshaft. it also does it coasting down a big hill in neutral, again once you get past 110ish.
Jan 9, 10:21pm
and yes the frequency does seem to increase with speed. if related to a particular wheel bearing, can i isolate it out somehow! e.g. that tire wearing faster or soemthing!
Jan 9, 10:45pm
so the problem diddn't change at all when you changed wheels -get better/worse!
Jan 9, 10:57pm
Are you using aftermarket mags/alloys without hubcentric rings! They are usually a little plastic ring that sits inside the hub face of the wheel and makes sure the wheel is located onto the hub of the vehicle rather than have the wheel studs hold the wheel in place by themselves.
Jan 9, 11:24pm
Nope, no noticeable change
Jan 9, 11:26pm
yup, they are and were aftermarket rims. could this be a possibility! i assume though that with an offcentre wheel the vibrations would be felt well prior to 110k. might be worth a look.
Jan 9, 11:49pm
I would say your universal joints in the driveshaft are crapping out, that or diff bearings
Jan 9, 11:53pm
CV's a definite possibility. Wheel bearings tend to be felt through floor pan and steering wheel.
Jan 10, 1:42am
Inner C.V vibrations usually stop upon deceleration whereas yours does not you say. Have you done the outer C.V test.full lock at low speed on a hill each way listening for "clicking"! Other than that you may have to remove the shafts / completely strip / check or get a C.V drive specialist to do it for you. Or if you are mechanically minded grab second hand one(s) to eliminate. Personally I would replace one at a time if you can find which side it is.
Jan 10, 1:52am
the CVs on the car (appear) to be fine. no noises. boots are intact. i guess the other thing i can add is that this has been happening for sometime now - perhaps a year and a half, without getting better or worse. leads me to believe that it is not something that can wear out like a CV or bearing which would then get worse. this is why i think it may be someting like an unbalanced prop shaft or whatever. thanks for all the ideas so far, and keep em coming. :)
Jan 10, 7:59am
Inner cv joints wear on those, done a few now. If you take the shafts out and clean all the grease out of the inner joint, you can feel/see a groove worn into the housing where the bearing rolls in it. No groove=not the problem.
Sep 4, 1:49pm
Cant say i've seen a Caldina Phantom .Does Rolls Royce know about that
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