Help with speedo disconnection please?

bigjerry, Jan 19, 2:45am
Hi. 2005 Hilux. I wish to disco the speedo so I can avoid paying R.U.C. Has anyone done this! any ideas! And for those who wish to preach the law to me and go 'tutt tutt' while you judge me.i dont care, I know its wrong but so is the freakin cost of paying R.U.C.

pa2, Jan 19, 2:46am
make sure you have a gps system set to tell you what speed you are doing.good luck

bigjerry, Jan 19, 2:47am
Thank you pa2. Thats good advice. Theres a digital odometer. I was hoping that could be taken out with out interfering with the speedometer

360vg, Jan 19, 2:47am
is it the lastest model or the one before. manual or auto

bigjerry, Jan 19, 2:48am
later model. manual.

alan1111, Jan 19, 2:52am
Just a thief fancy asking how to break the law,plus when you go to sell the vehicle somebody going to buy a car with way more k`s on it than speedo saying tut tut tut.

bigfatmat1, Jan 19, 2:54am
yes it can be done the speed signal goes to the computer this canbe cut but it will causerunning problems and engine light on dashand fault codes from the computer it travels as data to the dash cluster you will need to remove the cluster and operate the board is very complex you will need special tools and fimble fingers.

bigjerry, Jan 19, 2:55am
I know. I just dont care. Its honest Thursday didnt you know.

bigjerry, Jan 19, 2:56am
Thanks mate. Sounds like a 'too hard basket' file. Oh well.back to the drawing board.

bigfatmat1, Jan 19, 2:58am
I had a brief look at one a few weeks back looks like you would have to be an expert in electroncis and ics to be able to understand how it worked or have some board layout info

360vg, Jan 19, 2:59am
i no you can do it on the early model with no problem

bigfatmat1, Jan 19, 3:00am
if its a manual without abs you could unplug sensor if it has abs would be trickier

bigfatmat1, Jan 19, 3:01am
they were easy to do no can bus later ones look tricky without causing problems

jmma, Jan 19, 3:02am
Uumm, I'm happy my old Dyna just has a speedo cable (o:

bowla3, Jan 19, 3:05am
Had a couple of holdens and a surf that the odo would stop registering if I zeroed the trip meter after reversing. Didn't always do it, but worth a shot.

robotnik, Jan 19, 3:17am
Try driving it in reverse to reset the odometer.

richard198, Jan 19, 3:29am
If you can access the face of the digits; a firm thumb on the left digit and push hard, you can break off the lugs that stop the digit tumbling.
That digit will never work again, but no one will ever know.
(Knocks up to 100,000Km off the odometer!)

bigjerry, Jan 19, 3:32am
Digital display.

richard198, Jan 19, 3:33am
Back to the PCB then! Damn!

bigjerry, Jan 19, 3:34am
yeah mate. I could always counter act and register as a farm vehicle.

guest, Jun 27, 6:24am
cutting the speed sense wire at the back of the cluster stops the speedo and odometer from working . but if u accelerate too hard with it disconnected the engine check light comes on . which causes a funny idle and a greatly increased fuel usage prob more than what the ruc cost , its a pain in the ass. im going to try a speedo correction kit and see how far it can be wound down . i have gps to show speed . wont be selling the truck