Am currently wrecking a 1997 Toyota Levin, have steering wheel off, appears to have a mcanical airbag, wanting to set it off for a laugh, anyone know how!
Jan 21, 2:59am
Don't do it. Someone might get killed.
Jan 21, 3:02am
Yep, but make sure you dont blink or youll miss it. and stand wayyyyy back. Giving adice how to blow something up (set it off) over the net might not be the best in case someone hurt themselves lol. Someone will though. Or take it to your local fire dept as they like setting these things off safely for practices. then many can see it.
Jan 21, 3:02am
Put it on your bumper and drive it in to a lam post
Jan 21, 3:06am
well iv done airbags that have the wires on the back but this onedosnt, guess ill just throw it at the ground then as its mecanical so must have some kkind of shock sensor in it!
Pretty good vid, so throwing it at the ground will work!
Jan 21, 4:25am
Your best bet is to throw it at a moving police car, the impact combined with the radio frequencies and elctromagnetic field around a police car makes for a wicked bang. I highly recommend this, make sure you face it as well and try get a dead on shot for the best view.
Jan 21, 4:37am
Jan 21, 1:54pm
Yep, he looks f.ed, possibly a broken neck.
Jan 21, 2:10pm
We did a WRX steering wheel bag under a large traffic cone.never found the cone.
Jan 21, 2:33pm
Air NZ new boeing 777-300 planes have airbags built into the seats (i can't see how they will help when your flying into the ground at 700 kph in a large fuel tank). When i was replacing a bit of carpet one of the engineers acccidentally set off an airbag in the seat next to me.shit my ears were ringing, and i had to do a quick check on the state of my undies.
Jan 21, 2:41pm
there is no thing as a mechanical airbag---- all airbag are electric with mechanical charge bullet to inflate the airbag. I recommend you dont mess with it untill you know how to set it off correctly.
Jan 21, 2:45pm
Shit thsoe videos are insane!
Jan 21, 3:08pm
Obviously you know what he means. There is no ECU to trigger the airbag, there is no associated wiring or crash sensors.
Have let of a few in my time. Awesome fun can be dangerous though. I place the Airbag around some old used tyres and put 1 on top for good measure. Then i get some twin core wire and fit onto terminals. Move about 20 feet away and connect up to a battery. Watch those tyres fly. Had a apprentice do 1 in a Ford workshop once. The idiot put a handfull of ball bearings on airbag. But what he did not do was move the new Ford Terrirtory or BF Falcon before he let rip. He put holes in both the cars and also the workshop roof. About $7000 worth of damage done. No one knew he was doing as we was at lunch, as soon as he let rip we knew lol That was his last day working there hehe.
Jan 24, 3:12am
Already disposed of it, there were no wires or absoloutly nothing behind the air bag at all, prob just a dud or another dodgy jap import that already been rolld and bowled
Jan 24, 3:22am
there are mechanical airbags, though i didnt know toyotas used them
i had an alfa with one and the center of the steering wheel was the size of a soccer ball, got grief everytime i went for a warrent because there was no airbag light flashing on startup
Jan 24, 3:28am
Yuss someone else that thinks im not talking crap lol
Oct 25, 1:56pm
they were apparently known to be rather risky in alfas, presumably they work off two parts that creat a reaction when they touch.
problem is as they age and parts corrode the gap tightens until one day you hit a pothole and get punched in the face at 200 miles an hour, the alternative is the reported story of why not to drive angry in an alfa, allegedly if you punch the wheel hard enough in anger it will set it off and snap your wrist, then punch you in the face at 200 miles an hour
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