There's a car I'm interested in purchasing however the registration is on hold. Do I have to pay the registration costs from when it expired (2008)!
Mar 12, 8:30pm
I believe not - it's a fresh start from when you purchase it!
Mar 12, 8:33pm
Nope.Any LICENCE fees (if any) that are outstanding up until the time it goes into your name are their problem.
Mar 12, 8:47pm
All you have to do, is: pay the man his money go and transfer the vehicle into your name put the vehicle "on hold" at the same time (make it 12 months, you can change it anytime) BUT::: Be aware, if you relicence the vehicle for the road within the next three months, you WILL have to pay from the time you took possession.
Good luck with your new toy.
Mar 12, 10:50pm
What happens if you're selling one that's on hold!
Do you have to pay the previous 3 months or is it the end of the matter!
Mar 12, 10:56pm
Buggar, really!
Well, that's a kick in the head.
So if we assume the bike (it's a bike) is on hold for 6 months and sells, I'd be liable for 6 months of rego!
Well, that's a pain.
Mar 12, 10:59pm
Hang on - I put it in my name and put it on hold the same day.
So there wasn't any "outstanding" licence fee as such.
Do I still have to pay it!
Mar 12, 11:14pm
Mar 12, 11:17pm
It was expired when it went into my name.
That same day, I put it on hold (on-line) for three months (which I've just extended as it's not fixed and ready for sale yet.
Mar 12, 11:25pm
Sweet, he's already had (and paid) the bill.
Phew, that's alright then.
Mar 13, 4:54am
Mar 13, 4:55am
Its on hold.there are no outstanding fees to the previous owner.
Mar 13, 4:57am
Wrong again.
Mar 13, 5:02am
I did not think if a vehicle was on hold there were any fees to pay if you started the registration again!
Mar 13, 5:08am
Think about it. You obviously didn't have the foresight to put you vehicle on hold, so of course you got a bill.your fault. The people asking about it in this thread both had their vehicles on HOLD. So what you said, has no bearing on the OPs question and doesn't really help him at all! Did I phucking tell you simply enough! LOL.
Mar 13, 5:09am
Your vehicle has to have a current rego or you have to pay the outstanding rego to put it on hold, therefore there cant be any fees owing if the rego is on hold :oP
Mar 13, 5:30am
That's lame. No point putting your rego on hold at all if you're gonna put the car back on the road within 3 months then!
Mar 13, 5:46am
If you put the license on hold (no matter if its 3 months or 12) and decide to re-license before the first 3 months is up then you have to pay from the day you put it on hold. After 3 months, there is no back pay.
Mar 13, 5:50am
So I have a vehicle that has been on hold for a number of years. I sell it to someone in that state (on hold) and the new owner intends to have it on hold for say another 6 months.
Under that circumstance will either me or the new owner have anything to pay other than the change of registered owner fee! That is how I take the OP's question. From some of the swearing and cursing going on in here I would take the answer to be yes.which seems kind of strange to me.
Mar 13, 6:21am
No, change of ownership is the only cost.
Mar 13, 8:03am
jasongroves is correct
On hold more than 3 months, pay nothing except to register it for however long you want.
The person who got billed got billed for one of two reasons a) the vehicle was no on hold (but they thought it was), tyupically this is because they forgot to do it, or did not realise that the hold had expired and had not renewed the hold. b) the vehicle had been on hold for less than 3 months, in which case the exemption is voided and payment for that period of less than 3 months required (actully not sure if that happens when change-of-ownership, I think not)
Possible 3rd reason, change of ownership was not completed, new owner did not re-register and allowed hold to expire, change of ownership eventually completed (or vehicle dereg'd), and old owner got the bill - remember, DO THE CHANGE OF OWNERSHIP BEFORE RELEASING THE VEHICLE.
Mar 13, 3:28pm
Agreed, this is exactly how it works. As stated in a post above, to rego on hold you must pay any outstanding fees up until that point. So if it is on hold there are no outstanding fees.
Mar 13, 4:47pm
Circumstances change.
You could possibly come into a large sum of money, which helps you complete your project, there may be an outside influence (e.g. wanting to go to Beach Hop!) and the vehicle is wanted on the road earlier than planned.
In any case, it makes things easier to simply put it on hold, and sort out the details later.
Why pay any more good cash to the thieving bastards than necessary!
Mar 13, 5:12pm
There is so much wrong info in this thread, how about we start again.what's the specific question!! General "you always pay" or "the previous owner always pays" answers are likely to be wrong in some circumstances.
Mar 13, 5:37pm
More like why is this thread even still going, the OP's question was answered correctly in the first couple of posts FFS.Why these interlopers added a lot of irrelevant and in some cases incorrect information is anyones guess.
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