I went to the post office this morning and registered my scooter which I brought of a friend 2 months ago. He has hold the rego of this scooter on hold since 2009.He had paid all fees prior to placing on hold so rego was up to date before being placed on hold. I only paid for the amount of months I wanted to register it for, There were no backdated fees to pay.
Mar 13, 6:23pm
I have found on several occasions in the past I have been looking at a vehicle, tried online to put it on hold and found some unpaid rego, just a small amount mind, so what I do is change the ownership first, and then the unpaid fees have dissapeared and I am then able to put the vehicles licence/registration on hold. No fees to pay. But if you put a vehicle on holdfor any period and go to register it before the time is up you just need to back pay for that period of time , it will be less than a year, wait till the period is up and register then, you only pay current not back fees.
Mar 13, 6:34pm
What expired in 2008!
The whole idea of rego on hold is that while the car is off the road, you don't need to pay rego for it. When you are ready to put it back on the road, you go and get the rego re-activated, and pay for 6 or 12 months' rego starting from that day.
If the Rego was put on hold (usually for 6 or 12 months) and then owner forgot to renew the 'on hold' status when that time was up, I heard the registration for the car eventually dies and you need to get a whole new registration.!
Mar 13, 8:58pm
Ok heres a non-hypothetical example.I have a car for sale on TM.Rego expired 12 December 2010, I put rego on hold on 28th December (within two months), hold expires 28th March.When I sell it and the ownership is changed do I have to pay rego back to 12th December!
Jul 16, 12:54pm
Remember to renew the hold if it expires before you sell it.
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