Put some 17 inch BA wheels on the Au wagon and they are making a wirrrring noise when driving and you can hear it while braking. What could be the cause of this!Out of balance maybe!Cheera
Jun 24, 3:34am
wrrrrr sounds like road noise to me wrRrRrRrRrRr is more an out of balance sound, and a flubflubflub usually means the tyre is flat.
Jun 24, 3:42am
Haha do you think its just road noise! I have gone from 205 to 235s so maybe they are just tires that make more noise. It never made this noise until now. Its not a flubflub noise haha
Jun 24, 3:46am
balance if its badly out you can feel through the steering wheel. what brand have you gone from/too is the big one, some tyres are a lot noisier than others, 20mm difference shouldnt make that much difference noise wise. profile maybe.!
Jun 24, 3:55am
Bloody crap threw by what Google says. Huge road noise from wahli or something. Gonna upgrade to something else
Jun 24, 3:57am
what brand were you running and what did you put on!
Jun 24, 4:02am
It's probably nothing more than the type of tyre you are using, some of these modern low profile tyres can be notoriously noisy on our roads, some can be worse on the coarse chip, others are worse on smooth tar seal.Often once they are worn past half way it gets worse.Its something you do need to research before buying.
Jun 24, 4:04am
Yeah had 205 65 15 good ride tyres that came with the car. I got mags and tyres for 400 so took a gamble
Jun 24, 4:12am
Its worse on smooth tarmac and on chip its hardly noticable. I might have to burn these bad boys up haha
Jun 24, 5:31am
And kplunk kplunk kplunk, means your tire is flat on the bottom.
Jun 24, 5:46am
I take it you didn't get new tyres!Unevenly worn tyres can sound pretty weird.
Jun 24, 2:09pm
They are near new and look very even all around. Google says these are very loud tires so will just put up with it for now.
Jun 24, 5:26pm
they wouldn't be directional tires would they, may cause the issue if on arounnd the wrong way.
Jun 24, 6:19pm
Are they triangle or something equally as bad!
Jun 24, 6:54pm
Yeah Directionals but they are on the right way. I checked that when putting wheels on. Yes I think they are probably just as Bad as Triangles.WAHLI haha
Jun 24, 11:32pm
Did you check the wheel alignment on the car as I guess you are still using the standard AU falcon settings and might possibly NOT be suitable to the BA rims and tyres you have on there now, just a thought! Worthwhile checking I'd say! The various different tyre types can and do present different noise characteristics as well you know. Do you notice it more on smooth tarmac type seal more so than on coarse chip type seal!
Jun 25, 12:50am
Yeah more on smooth tarmac. Yeah I have to take it for an alignment anyway so will get that done.
Jun 25, 3:14am
directionals are noisier. nothing else.
Jun 25, 2:18pm
haha. Will be upgrading soon lol
Jun 25, 5:19pm
Stop driveing on the rumble strip.
Jun 25, 5:38pm
Chatroom diagnosis guide --clacketyclacketyclackety your cv joints are gone;fffft-fffft-ffft-fft blown your head gasket;donkadonkadonkattarun a big end bearing.tinkatinkatinkachange to higher octane gas.Who needs to go to the garage, you can do it all here.
Jun 25, 9:21pm
hahahaha love it.
Jun 25, 11:17pm
Slight change to guide here; ffft ffft ffft exhaust manifold gasket.Head gasket can be a bit sneakier.
Jun 26, 2:39am
wrong. its a tuc tuc tuc which progresses to a tuctuctuc at higher revs
Jun 26, 3:33am
or those with a sphincter problem.
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