Were looking at buying a 4.6m boat with a force 50hp outboard. Is 50hp big enough for a boat of this size! (were new to boating so any help is appreciated)
Jun 22, 12:42am
50 will be fine, its prob a planing hull at that size, 50 will get it going ok. Personally I would not touch a Force outboard myself.
Jun 22, 12:42am
fibreglass or alloy
Jun 22, 12:50am
Hey all it's a reflex fisherman in fiberglass. Force brand no good! Has small cabin but mainly open
Jun 22, 12:52am
Personally I`d stay away from force been a boatie myself.
Jun 22, 12:58am
no not a Force yuk! unless its brand spanking new! do you want to waterski of this boat! if so 90hp would be better 50hp is getting a bit slow, once you go against wind & tide and you got two full tanks of fuel and maybe 3/4 people on board and all the rest of your luggage then the 50hp will be slow!
Jun 22, 1:00am
Also what do you plan on towing it with!
Jun 22, 1:02am
From what we can see 50-70 but I think 50 was underpowered also. Boats only $13000 too so price kind of gave us an indication it might not be the best but wanted to double check!Appreciate all ya advice
Jun 22, 1:03am
Oh plan on towing with odyssey but looking at hilux for towing
Jun 22, 1:03am
Hey family girl, I know people that have had force motors and been happy with them. I dont really like them cos they are cheap and nasty by my standards. If it was me i would be looking at a boat with either a Yamaha, Mercury,Johnson, or something like that. The reason I say Yammy first is in the 50 hp size they are 3 cyl motors ( i like that myself). The others you may find are only 2 cyl
Jun 22, 1:03am
if you dont plan to water ski the 50hp is still under powered :)
Jun 22, 1:04am
Agreed. Force is cheap for a reason and it will be a bit underpowered. Force motors was usually pre-mix too, which is a bit of a pain
Jun 22, 1:06am
If its a planing hull it will be fine, it will just take a little longer "out of the hole" It is the smaller side but would be ok. I think you can do better though for 13 k. Again just my opinion.
Jun 22, 1:10am
The force motor is a copy of the old Chrysler engines and are generally old technology.A friend has one (70hp I think) and has had plenty of problems.And you can't get out and push!Stick to a Japanese or American outbord, and as bigracket says, you can probably do a lot better for $13k.
Jun 22, 1:11am
Force is a Re-branded Chrysler. They were a bad motor. They have improved but are still at the bottom end.
Jun 22, 1:14am
there is a lot of steel in those fridges lol steel head bolts yuk! rust!
Jun 22, 1:14am
If it's the one Robman is suggesting, IMO it is too dear.The marine industry is in a low, and there are some excellent bargains to be had.Especially coming into winter, if you are looking to buy from a dealer, they are really keen to quit stock rather than hold it until summer. Also, When looking at a boat, the engine is THE most important factor; best brand and newer the better, in terms of reliability, economy and resale.
Jun 22, 1:16am
i would go for yamaha or ajohnson/evinrude, merc would be my last pic!
Jun 22, 1:17am
That's the boat :-). Appreciate all ya comments, gives us a better idea and the fact we can get a better boat for same $. Just gotta find a dealer and better boat round that price range in our area. Will look out for one with a better outboard like the earlier comments said too. Good advice for us novices lol
Jun 22, 1:18am
if it is that one the motor is only worth $2000 at the most lol unless someone gets ripped off!
Jun 22, 1:20am
anyone herard of condor craft manta bowrider!are they anygood and woulda 40hp work for a 14ft bowrider!thanks
Jun 22, 1:23am
Wicked thanks we will steer clear of this boat. Too good. Cheers all
Jun 22, 1:30am
looks like that 50hp is only power tilt! power tilt & power trim is way better :)
Jun 22, 1:39am
a lot depends what you want to use it for! on the lake, harbour, open sea, how many people do you plan on taking out each time how much weight you plan on putting in the boat! all sorts of stuff lol
Jun 22, 2:05am
Wrxnz1 what kind are you selling! :)
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