Hey family girl, please just promise me one thing, before buying any boat get an INDEPENDENTassessment of the motor done. I mean by someone that does not work for the dealer you are buying from. They should do a compression test, and each cylinder should be around 100 psi or more and even. 115 is about the best you can get on that sort of sized motor. The bores should be checked with a bore scope. listen for any kind of binding/grinding - bearing noise. and have the impella replaced before you buy it. Oh and have a good look for any sign of corrosion at all on the powerhead, especially around the water outlet and water jacket bolts. Oh and have a good look at the gaskets on the powerhead- these tend to reflect the service history. Sorry to blab on but as this is your first boat I dont want to see you have a bad experience. a crook motor will just totally wreck it for you. dont be afraid to post links up here before you buy as well. there are some on to it guys in motoring. good luck.
Jun 22, 3:33am
Self promotion.
Jun 22, 3:37am
gee that would fly LOL
Jun 22, 3:45am
Wow bigracket thanks so very much. You didn't blan on it is very very helpful stuff. Very much appreciated. I've taken details down of what you have written and will take that in with us. Cheers :)
Jun 22, 3:46am
its not bad ;)
Jun 22, 3:48am
sorry wont do it again :)
Jun 22, 3:49am
Very good advice, may I also recommend a auxiliary motor and good safety gear, life jackets, communication gear, flares etc. You never know.
Jun 22, 4:06am
Excellent advice. Would like to add getting the leg dropped and inspected, well worth a couple of hundy for piece of mind. Any motor on a boat needs to be reliable as you can't afford to be caught out, especially on a bar. Good luck.
Jun 22, 4:53am
Yeah bit on the old side aye. Gonna hunt around for something newer :-)
Jun 22, 5:10am
Love the boat, it sure would blow my fishing machine out of the water (and probibly uses 10x the amount of gas!). Good luck with the sale.
Jun 22, 6:01am
Day Skipper course wouldn't be a bad idea.a lot of people on the brinny with no idea, there should be some sort of compulsory study/test before they hit the seas.
Jun 22, 5:00pm
thanks yea it does like the gas lol
Jun 22, 7:05pm
Surprising what a 50 hp OB can do, we had plylite fisherman with 50 hp merc pull start in 70 sgot 3 divers&boatman & gear out to kapiti island& backon the plane & sometimes in choppy sea . Why this obsession with big Obsunless want to tow skiers .
Jun 22, 8:37pm
Nah put just saying be careful, trademe do watch the boards. It is not john either johnf_456. Ta
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Jun 22, 8:56pm
some good advice here. and here is some more, sea trial before buying not a 5 min run but a hood 1-2 hour's
Jul 19, 4:13am
agreed theres nothing u would learn about it in 2 hours that u wouldnt learn in 30 min if someone wanted to take it for testdrive for 2 hoursits more just joyriding that for that long witch i dont mind but they can pay me the $150 in gas they would use
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