Toyota levin help

nikki31, Jun 21, 10:38pm
Do non-supercharged cv joints fit supercharged ones!
i have the ae101 superstrut levin.
or does anyone have some for sale!

pollymay, Jun 21, 10:59pm
No, which bit is broken! There may be a way to use a V6 windom axle end which I've been meaning to look into. I used a windom axle on my turbo mr2 and iirc those at the same as the supercharged axles cause they are both E code gearboxes

alimac1, Jun 22, 2:12am
Didn't know you could supercharge a CV Joint.

nikki31, Jun 22, 5:23am
haha, what i meant was, do the CJ joints out of non-supercharged levins fit into, supercharged levins, obviously not. because with the superstrut suspension and at 300 dollars a piece, its an expenisve fix.

pollymay, Jun 22, 5:35am
Which bit is broken! Just the CV itself! Cause you can take the circlip off the end of the shaft and tap the CV off and install another.

nikki31, Jul 13, 2:49pm
i'm not sure as of yet, i will check when i've got it up on the hoist