Took the HA out for a nice long drive today

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iman007, Jun 15, 3:23am
running out of gas, about 2 months ago i took my car for a trip to akaroa and back for a run, i knew i was getting low, i ran out 100 metres before a gas station, coasted right up to the pump, whats the odds in that!

iman007, Jun 15, 3:24am
wheres the f and c shop there, i never saw 1!
will have a look next trip

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 3:28am
Yes its great fun alright.Yes I went right past the G.A.S station when I turned off and headed for the Bombays.Have they got old some interesting things to look at in there have they!
I might have to go have a look,good excuse to take my 1960 F Victor for a spin.

lookoutas, Jun 15, 3:31am
Put some photo's up tut

scoobeey, Jun 15, 3:35am
Yeah lets see this beast lol

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 3:39am
I only took one photo on my phone but if you google 73cars1that will take you to my 1982 Mitsubishi Sigmas 80s channel on utube.Have a look at my channel then scoll down the page you will see these three icons,1965vivahathe60victor197accordvtecClick on these and you will see a picture of my HA and a video too and much more including music etc.

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 4:04am
Everybodys discovered my utube channel would explain why this thread has gone quiet lol

lookoutas, Jun 15, 4:30am
Looks good.

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 4:37am
Thanks did you check out my other channels that I mentioned

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 4:59am

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 5:00am

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 5:01am

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 5:02am

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 5:05am
Here is my 1960 Vauxhall Victor going around Pukekohe Race Track

tuttyclan, Jun 15, 5:08am

tuttyclan, Jun 17, 11:53am
And my everyday Automatic Airconditioned family car.