4 lights on low beam

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gunhand, Jun 12, 4:01am
I thought fog lights were yellowish which arn't to bad but the white ones are a pain if miss aligned.

richms, Jun 12, 4:29am
They have never done that to me in all the years that I had the bumper mounted spots that were not connected because I had the ones in the non bugeyed headlights connected instead. Just told them they were not connected and they were fine. Same for a friend with a honda CRV who wanted spotlights and the dealer was happy to move them off a different coloured one but not to hook them up. Made the car look better he thought.

gunhand, Jun 12, 4:31am
Ive heard that to, if its there its gotta work of take them off.

richms, Jun 12, 4:34am
Unless it is just a decorative item on the car. I guess you could get little hitlers that are stupid about it but I have found all the places I have been quite reasonable. Although one tried to show me excessive play in the rear rack once when the car was not running.

muzzaandmich, Jun 12, 4:41am
why not just get the rear windowtinted like a mirrorwhen they get into your space just reflects back

richms, Jun 12, 4:47am
mirror tints are not legal, but apparently I could have the whole of the rest of the car chromed and that would be fine. Again, go figure.

A 100W reverse light would be a neat addition, but with a switch to trigger it too ;)

mugenb20b, Jun 12, 3:45pm
I suppose the next thing you are going to tell me is that I can't have my head lights on when it's day time as I don't need to use them, right!

pup2, Jun 5, 5:46pm
Guessing you are talking about the round foglights, which IMO are not true fogs. True fogs should have a straight cut off as you only want the light pointing directly on the rd in front of you to get under the fog. Therefore it makes sense that fogs must be mounted as low as poss to get the light under the fog. The people that drive round with their fogs on and they are the big 6" spot lights with a yellow lense, and are mounted just below the bonnet on their 4wd, they are the ones that get me.