Need help with audi problem

cyber_cat, May 26, 3:02am
a 1992 Audi 80 2.0E fully charged battery turn key and have no dash lights (ign,oil.chage) etc. But wipers headlights fan heater and indercaters etc work. turn key to engage starter and nothing.
I have found only the fuse box under bonnet not sure if there is another to check.

any ideas!

jasongroves, May 26, 3:11am
Installed a new stereo lately!
Have you checked all the fuses in the under bonnet box!
There should be an interior fuse box too, though I'm not 100% sure where.
Don't forget to check relays too and the fusible links.
I would also be checking connections, terminals, earths etc, including at the starter motor.

jasongroves, May 26, 3:13am
Interior fuses should be located on the drivers side of the dash, there should be a plastic panel that you can lever open with a small screw driver or similar.

cyber_cat, May 26, 3:20am
thanks will check tomorrow.
no new stereo fitted

jasongroves, Apr 4, 2:50am