ive watched a fella with the same model car have this same problem,he also replaced his starter motor and then found it was still the same.boy did he spew when i drove over with jumper leads and away it went.hope you tried this first as ill never let this guy live it down.inrs sometimes
May 24, 7:56pm
couldn't be the same issue the p10 had could it, a crappy connection in the plug at the base of the steering column, they were prone to it, you'd swear someone had stolen the starter out of the engine bay - til you gave the wire connector a good squeeze, then it would be right as rain for 2 weeks, then do it again -usually right in the middle of the supermarket carpark 40km from home and the daughter cannot squeeze hard enough to get it to contact - so ya gotta drive into town etc etc , bypass that connector, job fixed, you'll find evidnce of such by checking if the solenoid is actually getting power ( at that spade) when the key is in the start position - if not I'd bet nissan didn't change much in their wiring, have a look anyway, the spade and the plug will be black or rusty in that connector
May 24, 7:57pm
now you'll be pissed, you've gone and got another starter and the old one was probably perfectly okay
May 25, 12:51am
Yea i got a new 1 and yep iv tried jumping it, basiclly the only thing i havnt tried is to see if spade terminal is getting power which i will tonight, and the inhibitor which i will try and bridge the two wires to bypass it and see if that works
May 25, 1:00am
Sweet as ill have another look tonight and let ya know
May 25, 1:07am
We have a P10, and had similar problem BUT in our case the shifter was very hard to get into park.Turns out there is a small bush in the selector cable at the gearbox end that needs a bit of grease.Once you find the gearbox end of the cable its very obvious how to take it apart and clean it, grease it etc.Might not be your problembut could be 5 mins well spent.
May 25, 2:03am
have you still got both the starters, simple test on the floor is to clip the jumper +lead to the main terminal on the starter, the - lead to the starter body, put your foot on the starter and bridge between the + lead and the spade terminal, if it goes theres nothing wrong with it, the problem is elsewhere someone will be able to tell you what the colour code is for the starter wire as it leaves the ignition, and if it changes colour via the inhibitors etc, plus what colour it is by the time it reaches the solenoid solenoids are simple, they require 12v on that spade to pull in, the action of pulling in fully bridges some heavy contacts and thus shunt to the motor itself, appears your issue is not the solenoid but the 12v supply to the solenoid I know it's probably been said up there too
May 25, 4:03am
Well, i unpugged the main plug at the shifter with everything on it and after about 30 times the car managed to start, so plugged it back in and after trying it for ages it started, sometimes it clicks or turns over for a second then stops, other times it does nothing at all, is it a bad earth somewhere or maybe a faulty itgition!
May 25, 4:08am
I think its best to have a sparkie look at it.
May 25, 4:14am
Poor connection at the plug/socket or intermittent connection at the back of them.
May 25, 4:28am
hey dasfi did you follow any of my advise! this will quickly tell you what area to look at be it inhibitor, starter, or key. but hey what would i know about cars
May 25, 4:31am
if you REALLY want to find out which, grab a(sufficiently long to reach back to the battery) wire with a spade on the end that will connect to the solenoid spade ( as you call it) - remove the existing wire on that spade and plug this one onto the solenoid Make sure the car is in park, turn the key to normal run p[osition and touch the end of that wire to the battery pos terminal - the car will start - regardless of what the ignition switch and inhibitors are doing - you may find it is more difficult to start due to reduced voltage at the coils while winding over being that you have been asked several times to check the voltage at the solenoid but so far have failed to report if it has even been checked, this above will at least tell us that the solenoid and the starter are in fact operating as normal - even if it doesn't tell you that lol
May 25, 4:35am
i was going to try that but nowhere in relay or fuse box is an inhitbitor realy or fuse!
Apr 1, 11:14pm
How much would i be looking at for an auto sparky! guessing he could probably sort it in an hour since i have the whole bottom half of dashboard and everything out!
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