Parents - What do you drive

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c_h_l, May 23, 5:58pm
New parents here looking to upgrade. Have always been big on our clubby's but harsh reality is they are no longer practical with a family. Have looked at SV6's but they are just so small in the boot as we travel a fair bit and between club gear and the baby they are just not big enough. Some of the Jap models seem very small in the back and need to have the front seats fairly far forward to fit the car seat in the back whilst its rear facing which again is not practical for two tall people.
Any advice on a good reliable vehicle with good safety features and good fuel economy and easy to maintain would be much appreciated.

c_h_l, May 23, 6:14pm
wagons are a bit out of our price range, looking at a few berlina wagons but a little older than what we want hence why looking at other makes etc.

Baby is 4mths at the mo but planning on a couple more so want something to last through the next few years with a toddler & another baby at least.

c_h_l, May 23, 7:28pm
Because we have a car that is almost 15 years old, has limited safety features and is heavy on the gas, other than that it is perfect size wise. We are in a situation now where we are able to purchase a newer vehicle and would like one that we can keep for a few years without having to change again. We are in no hurry but it is time to upgrade in the next wee while and only asking opinions as we havent had much to do with anything other than v8 holdens. not a very practical car for a family living in the country!
If you cant offer a helpful opinion then dont bother commenting, Im only asking so we can start looking into other options and do some research. that is if its ok with you! Sheesh!
Also if your capable of reading we also travel a fair bit so live out of the boot carting more than that on at least one weekend a month so time to look into other more practical options!

johnf_456, May 23, 7:31pm
Chill out ^ Kazbanz just asked a pratical question that even me myself was going to consider asking. If you can't take advise perhaps don't post here, Kazbanz knows his stuff very well been a very good reputable car dealer.

Sheesh right back at you and no need to insult others for trying to get more information to help.

c_h_l, May 23, 7:38pm
Im asking advice on what is a good vehicle why do I have to justify our decision to change and when were going to do it! That has absolutely nothing to do with the TYPE of vehicle we buy does it! We want to change vehicles full stop, the question is not why we are doing it now its what is a good reliable vehicle to change to that is practical for a family! What is so hard to answer about that!

c_h_l, May 23, 7:56pm
Oh what ever! How is it up to someone else (dealer or not) to question why & when we want to change vehicles for crying out loud! We have the money and plan to do so now surely as a dealer we are the type of customer that you want, someone ready and prepared to buy and look at all options not someone who is going to um and ah for ages.
I did not ask IF we should change I asked what is good to change to and am still gobsmacked that you have both taken this approach to a question that had absolutely no relevance to the original question I asked. We have considered keeping the vehicles we have but decided against it.
We know what we want out of a car and we know that we want to do it this year as have other plans for the next few years and changing cars then or again is not one of them!
I simply asked at the beginning and will simply ask again WHAT is a good reliable family car that is easily maintained and is good on the gas!
Nothing else just that simple question!

johnf_456, May 23, 8:03pm
Go back to general discussion, ditch the attiude really. It does not help by abusing people.

gusthe1, May 23, 8:04pm
WOW. I wonder who the lucky dealer is who is going to get c_h_l as a customer. Thats one commission worth forgoing.

r15, May 23, 8:06pm
if you're doing highish kms or have a strong feeling your odometer may become faulty, then perhaps consider a 4wd type wagon, you havnt told me your budget, but if i throw out some names like Pathfinder, Surf, Pradeo, Pajero, Terrano, Territory, Rav4, cRaptiva, Grand Vitrara, Highlander etc etc etc, they offer heaps of space, young kids can actually see out the window! this prevents child boredom, which prevents crying / bullshit- especially handy if you travel a lot!

smac, May 23, 8:10pm
I don't get the bit about not affording wagons. In models I've looked at they tend to be cheaper!

elect70, May 23, 8:19pm
Porsche cayene deiselgrunt ,image, economy,big , & will look good parked at the golf club . Or VWV10deisel Towragbut not same image tho.

c_h_l, May 23, 8:23pm
Thanks for getting back to the topic at hand. We are prepared to spend 15 - 18k and are cash buyers who are ready to look at other options.
The SV6 wagon as suggested above is more expensive at the moment than the sedan which is why I said it was out of our price range. Some wagons are cheaper yes but as I originally asked what is a good family vehicle, reliable, good safety features, easy to maintain etc etc etc. A wagon size wise is def on the cards but which one is better etc!
Have considered 4 x 4's but dont know much about them, what are their maintenance costs like! Are they really that much cheaper by the time you take larger tyres and RUC into account than a petrol vehicle! I do like the idea of keeping the kids entertained on trips though. I have also heard from a friend who has one that the Terranos can have diesel pump issues! Is this true of the majority or more of a minority issue!

shelleigh, May 23, 8:28pm
What about a smaller wagon like a Ford Focus or Toyota Corolla! I was suprised how much room there is in the back of the Focus wagons when I saw one recently. You can get one for around around $12-15,000.
I was originally looking at getting a Ford Escape but decided to get another wagon after very helpful advice from people on here. Although I go skiing and am getting kayaks this summer, most of my running is on main roads so 4WD would just be an added expense fuel and mainainance wise.
Kazbanz wasn't wanting you to justify your decision to change vehicles, simply asking why you wanted to change so they could base their answer on the reasons you gave. I have found Kazbanz and other regulars on here very helpful when asking about what vehicle to get. They can only share their knowledge and experience if they know what you are wanting in a vehicle.
Hope you find the right one at at good price :)

yendor, May 23, 8:35pm
A 4x4 type Pathfinder, Surf, Pradeo, Pajero, Terrano!
They said they wanted something safe, apart from being old, these have very limited safety features.

shelleigh, May 23, 8:39pm
I have found these sites helpful for car reviews and costs.

Although a bigger wagon might be more suitable for when your family is bigger than a Focus or Corolla depending on how much gear you take away.

c_h_l, May 23, 8:41pm
ohhh jump to the ford camp ah hehe have been looking at falcon wagons though as wondered about the size of the focus and the mondeo but havent seen one in the flesh yet either so good to know they are a decent size, thanks, might be one to add to the list again then. Have also considered a legacy wagon but had the same thoughts as you re the 4 x 4 and I guess that would be a consideration with the likes of the bigger 4 x 4's as well!
I apologise Kazbanz for grabbing the wrong end of the stick. Thanks Shelleigh.

hutchk, May 23, 8:50pm
Have you considered a Fiat Multipla! When driven conservatively the Multipla actually makes petrol, which you can onsell to your neighbours. The Multipla can also tow a steam locomotive (with wheels removed) and is so good looking it is often mistaken for Daniel Craig at parties.

c_h_l, May 23, 8:53pm
Thanks for that I do like the look of the stagea, would need to look at a maxima to see about size etc. Thanks

johnf_456, May 23, 8:54pm
hush don't wake jazz.

c_h_l, May 23, 8:54pm
Lol thats the beast ill have 6 of them!

thejazzpianoma, May 23, 9:51pm
You rang!

c_h_l, May 23, 10:47pm
Thanks heaps Jazz hadn't even considered something like that, bit of a change from the clubbys but quite practical for life now esp as do take passengers as well from time to time.

NZ Tools I dont even belong to a coffee group and have way more to take into account than most of what you have said but thanks we are looking to get a smaller stroller once bubs is a bit bigger anyway but is not the main issue in regards to buying our next vehicle.Theres heaps to take into account hence the questions so can do some research for ourselves :-)

bitsy_boffin, May 23, 10:55pm
You are a parent.Buy a van.That is all.In about 20 years you might be able to get a nice car again, until then, buy a van.

NZTools, May 23, 11:02pm
Why be so defensive!
One of the major points you made in your opening post, was the need for more space than what was to be had in an sv6, and for less money.
I only stated ONE observation i have made, and how it gives you a whole lot more space in the vehicle you already have.

I could give you a lot more tips that from personal experience whill save you money, time or stress, ora combination of all the above, however i get the feeling by the way you treated some of the posters above, it would fall on deaf ears.

smac, May 23, 11:08pm need to get out more man ;)We have the big-ass 3wheel drive off roady stroller but I tell you what we need it. If we had one like you pictured it'd be dead in a week.

But in saying that, we get by just fine with just an Astra so I'm no help either.